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CWRU Open Access Agreements and Other Funding

CWRU authors are able to publish open access at no cost in select journals through agreements with several publishers. This guide provides details on each agreement for CWRU authors as well as alternative no cost options and funding possibilities..

Funding OA Publication

If you wish to publish Open Access with a publisher not listed on this guide, you still have a couple options to avoid paying an article processing charge (APC):

  • Select a journal or publisher that does not charge an APC/BPC (see Publishing OA at No Cost below)
  • Ask your funder whether they will cover the publication costs
  • Ask your or co-author's department or unit if they are able to cover any publication costs
  • Check to see if you are eligible for a waiver or discount from your publisher
  • Deposit your article in Scholarly Commons @CWRU and/or add an author addendum to your publisher agreement to ensure you can share your article openly (see Deposit in Scholarly Commons below)

Please note that CWRU does not have an open access publishing fund to cover the cost of article processing charges (APCs) for journal articles or book processing charges (BPCs) or to cover the cost of authoring tools.

Publishing OA at No Cost

Besides the agreements listed in this guide, there are other options available to authors to publish open access (OA) without paying an Article Processing Charge (APC) or Book Processing Charge (BPC):

Deposit in Scholarly Commons

Can't publish Open Access? You may still be able to provide access by depositing your work in Scholarly Commons, CWRU's open access institutional repository. 

  • Use an Author Addendum: Ensure your right to post your article in the repository through an author addendum which helps you modify your publisher copyright transfer agreement. The online form linked here will create a PDF to attach to a journal's copyright agreement. Learn more about Author Rights & the SPARC Author Addendum.
  • Submit to Scholarly Commons: Use our online submission form to deposit your work or contact ( If you used an author addendum, include that information with your submission. If not, a librarian will review your submission to ensure that we don't violate publisher policies. Many publishers allow authors to deposit a version of their scholarly articles like the Author Accepted Manuscript* in a repository like Scholarly Commons. This is often called self-archiving or Green OA.

Questions? Contact to talk to a librarian!

*Author Accepted Manuscript (AAM): This is the version of your manuscript after it’s been through peer review and has been accepted by the journal’s editor. It does not include any copyediting, typesetting and proof correction. This is sometimes referred to as the post-print version. Where to find this version: search your email, computer hard drive, and cloud storage; contact your co-authors; log into the journal's submission page and retrieve a copy of the accepted version or AAM; or contact the journal by email and ask for a copy of the accepted version of your article.