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Screen Calibrator

What is in the equipment kit and how to use.

The Kit

Located in the Tech Table, the Screen Calibrator Kit can be checked out at the Service Center.

The Screen Calibrator adjusts and sets the color on your computer monitor or laptop to the standard RGB (red-green-blue) color spectrum. Ensuring the colors are consistent can help users viewing the intended colors accurately on their monitor or laptop screens, especially when printing is involved.

Lending Policies

Available for checkout to CWRU & CIM students, faculty, and staff at the Service Center. CWRU Alumni, CIA, Public or Visiting patrons are not permitted to check out loanable equipment kits. 

5 day lending period.

NO due dates on weekends & NO due dates when the Library is officially closed. 

→ Be aware of Semester breaks! While classes may be on break, the library may not!

NO renewals on equipment.

NO holds on equipment.

NO doubling up on the same equipment (ex: 2 still cameras).

→ HOWEVER, checking out different equipment is encouraged (ex: 1 video camera, 1 still camera).

NO “Can I return this and check it right back out?”s. 

NO checking out partial equipment kits.

→ Only complete equipment kits can be checked out

The Kit's Equipment


datacolor Spyder X2 is the main component of the kit. The Screen Calibrator will connect to the user's computer and lay on the surface of the computer screen to read and adjust the colors.


USBC→ USBA Adapter connects the calibrator to the user's computer. Please keep this attached to the cable to prevent the item from getting lost.