Kelvin Smith Library
As always, the database Academic Search Complete is an excellent place to continue your search for articles on your topic after exhausting bibliographies from secondary sources.
You can search ASC by keyword, but note that just like in the catalog, ASC uses descriptor terms called subject headings. These can produced more focused results for your search in most cases.
Another EBSCO database is the MLA International Bibliography. This database is not general, like ASC, but specifically indexes periodicals and books related to modern languages and literature, including film studies. So you will only find academic materials searching MLA.
Example: see what you can find in this database about race and comic books. You may need to visit KSL's E-Journal portal to access materials. Click on the "E-Journals" link below the Discovery Search bar to begin your search for a journal. In some cases, you may need to turn to Interlibrary Loan to access materials if not available via OhioLINK or the E-Journal portal.
Another subject-specific database is America: History and Life. This database also indexes periodicals and books specific to a discipline, namely, American history.
Example: look for information about the portrayal of Irish caricatures in American comic strips.