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CWRU Faculty Open Access (OA) Policy and FAQ

An information resource on the CWRU Faculty OA Policy approved by Faculty Senate March 2024.


In adopting the CWRU Open Access Policy on March 25, 2024, CWRU faculty authors have granted the University permission to make their scholarly articles* available to the public at no charge. Articles will be made available through CWRU's institutional repository, Scholarly Commons @ CWRU in tandem with their publication in scholarly journals.

By granting a license to CWRU prior to any contractual arrangement with publishers, faculty members can make their research widely and publicly available, re-use it for various purposes, or modify it for future research publications. If you are a faculty author, follow the steps below to make your articles available through Scholarly Commons:

*Scholarly articles are publications like journal articles, conference proceedings, etc.that are not published on a royalty-generating basis. Only articles produced after the policy was passed (March 25, 2024) are covered.

Step 1: Retrieve the Accepted Manuscript Version of Your Article

This policy allows us to share the Author Accepted Manuscript version of your article. 

  • Accepted version: a.k.a. postprint or author’s accepted manuscript (AAM). The manuscript after peer review, accepted for publication, but without the final editing by the publisher. Commonly a .DOCX or other text format. (Accepted Manuscript vs. Publisher Version)

How to find your Accepted Manuscript:

  • Search your email, computer hard drive, and cloud storage

  • Contact your co-authors

  • Log into the journal's author portal and retrieve a copy of the accepted version or AAM

  • Contact the journal by email and ask for a copy of the accepted version of your article

  • Search funder or subject repositories (i.e. PMC, SSRN)

Step 2: Submit Your Article to Scholarly Commons

You are able to submit your article two ways:


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