Kelvin Smith Library
In addition to the brief glossary below, you may also wish to consult these language tools provided by Yale University:
Abschrift = (hand) copy
achtel (8tel) = eighth
anfang = beginning
angeblich = alleged, ostensibly
Anmerkung = annotation
aus = from
Ausgabe,-n = Edition(s)
B = Bb
Balken = beams
Baß = Bass
Begleitung = accompaniment
Besetzung = personnel (usually for performing forces needed)
Bleistift = pencil
Bogen = slurs
Bratsche = viola
datiert = dated
drei = three
dritte (3.) = third
Druck-e = print(s)
Ende = end
erste (1.) = first
Erstausgabe = first edition
Erstehungszeit (EZ) = time of creation
Fähnchen = flags (<8th notes)
Fassung = version
für = for
geschreiben (geschr.) = written
H = B (the pitch)
Halb ; halbenote = half ; half-note
Handschrift, (Hs.) = manuscript
herausgegeben von (hrsg)= edited by
Herbst = autumn
in, im = in, in the
komponiert = composed
letzt = last
lediglich = solely
linke (li.) = left = verso (back of paper)
mit = with
nur = only
oder = or
ohne = without
Partitur, -en = score(s)
punktiert = dotted
Quelle, -n = source(s)
Querformat = landscape format
rechte = right = recto (front of paper)
Satz = movement
Schlüssel = clef
Sechs = six
Sechste (6.) = sixth
Sechszehntel (16tel) = sixteenth
Seite, -n = page(s)
Singstimme-n = voice(s)
Sommer - summer
Stimme, -n = part(s)
Streicher = strings
Takt, -e - measure(s)
teilweise = partially
Tinte = ink
Triolen = triplet
überliefert = passed on (to posterity)
unbekannt = unknown
unvollständig = incomplete
ursprünglich (urspr.) = originally
verloren = lost
vermutlich = supposedly
verschollen = missing (note: words with the prefix "ver-" often have a negative connotation. You will often find this with "seit Kriegsende" = "since the end of the war". Many manuscripts disappeared during World War II, but don't take this as the last word, as many resurfaced in Polish libraries after the fall of Communism.)
vergleichen (vgl.) = compare
verzechnis-se = catalog(s)
vorher = previously
wahrscheinlich = probably (literally, "appears true")
zeilig = lined
Zeitgenössische = contemporary
zusammengebunden mit = bound together with
zwar = certainly
zwei = two
zweite = second
zwischen = between