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Weatherhead School of Management, Economics Department–selected resources & search tips for your work.

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  • Library resources require going through CWRU Single Sign-On.
  • The best method is to follow links from the library website.
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Open Access Journals--Economics

Directory of Open Acess Journals (DOAJ) U.S. & international

Economics titles in 2016: 2,340, examples:

Economics Bulletin

Business and Economic History Online

Econ Journal Watch

Economics Bulletin

Information Technologies and International Development

Journal of Regional Analysis & Policy

Judgment and Decision Making

Monthly Labor Review

Open Economics Journal

Sustainability : Science, Practice and Policy

Theoretical Economics

Find Print Journals...and Similar Journals

If the journal title isn't in the eJournals list, find the print journal in the Case Catalog

Note: "Location" shows where it is, including other campus libraries

• Get More Information From the Catalog Record & Find More Like It:

Journal titles and journal articles have tags & terms assigned to them. Example:

- Contemporary Economic Problems: if it has on-target content, you can easily find similar journals.

- Look at the catalog information for this journal, click its subject link for "Economic Policy--Periodicals"
- That subject link takes you to similar journal or serial publications at Case

This technique finds the book NBER International Seminar on Macroeconomics, or  State of the world: a Worldwatch Institute Report on Progress Toward a Sustainable Society

Find Journals

Is Your Journal Title Electronic? Find It, Fast!

If you see a citation or hear about a new article, the E-Journal List is only tool you need to to find it. Whether the journal is a separate subscription or included within a database, EJournal list finds it!

  • Log on to the Case Catalog | Select EJournals from the top of the screen | Type the journal name
  • Follow the best link for the date of your citation

The link you choose from the results of a journal title search on the EJournal List may depend on whether a) you want to read only that article (in a subscription link) or b) read it and continue researching the subject or author in the database link.

Find More Like It....

If you choose a database like Business Source Complete for your journal article, it will have tags & terms assigned to it. Use those tags/terms to begin a new search for 'more like it.'  EJournal list helps to identify a good database to do your searching–if a good journal is included, others like it are in there & it's a good place to start a new search

Featured Journals

Journals in this list are available via the EJournals portal. Make sure you are authenticated on the Case network via Case Wireless or VPN + DuoMobile.

They are covered in a variety of databases: Business Source Complete, LexisNexis, OhioLINK Electronic Journal Center (EJC), JSTOR, MIT Press, American Periodical Series, U.Chicago Press. Several titles' earlier volumes are in print in KSL.

American Economic Review


Journal of Political Economy

Journal of Economic Theory

Quarterly Journal of Economics

Econometric Theory

Review of Economic Studies

Journal of Business & Economic Statistics

Journal of Monetary Economics