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Basic Editing: Images

Using the Wacom Cintiq 24HD Interactive Pen Display

  • Open the program you plan to use with the tablet by selecting it from the start menu on the computer monitor. If the screens are set to extended display, you can then maximize Photoshop or Illustrator on the tablet screen and leave another window open on the computer screen.
  • If you want to change the tablet to “left handed,” do this by choosing settings button. This is located at the top of the tablet on the far right. 

  • Then clicking on “options” at the bottom and change the "handedness" accordingly.

  • The pen can be used to perform some basic functions:
    • To right click with the pen, hold down on the bottom button (pictured here) and press down.
    • To double click, hold down the top half of the same button.
    • To erase, flip upside down as you usually would with a pencil.

  • Helpful tips when using the Wacom pen:
    • Pressure makes a difference in performance. A light pressure is usually enough.
    • To use the keyboard, select the button at the top of the tablet on the far right. It is the middle option, to the left of settings.

  • You don’t need to click on the keyboard every time you want to use it. If you have it out of the way but still visible, hovering above the keyboard is enough to activate it.
  • When you have the options set to left-handedness, the buttons on the sides are as follows


  • Select buttons by hand, not the display pen. All the rectangular buttons are push; the circle is a dial (when top rectangular button is selected, spinning the dial up zooms in, while spinning it down zooms out, etc).
  • The “radial menu” button displays this further menu wherever your arrow is hovering on the screen:

  • These buttons are selected using the pen, NOT by hand.
  • When you have the options set to right-handedness, the buttons on the sides of the Wacom pad are as follows:


  • As is the case with the buttons on the left hand side, all are pushed except for the dial.
  • The “radial menu” button displays this further menu wherever your arrow is hovering on the screen:

  • These buttons are selected using the pen, NOT by hand.
  • The keyboard button at the top (circled here) or the keyboard button on the left hand button menu make a keyboard appear on the screen. Please use the pen to select keys. The keyboard also has the option on the top left corner to be a writing pad; this program turns your handwriting into text, which can then be put in a word document using the “insert” button at the bottom of the writing pad.

  • A help menu for the writing pad can be seen by pressing the button in the top right corner.

  • If you choose to drag the keyboard out of the way rather than minimize it, it can be restored merely by hovering above it.