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Avoid Plagiarism

What is plagiarism and how to avoid it.

Engineering Librarian

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Daniela Solomon
Kelvin Smith Library Room 201-L
Phone: 216-368-8790

Research Services Librarian

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Why is it important to avoid plagiarism?

Plagiarism constitutes a breach of academic integrity and represents substandard scholarship. Plagiarism can have lasting impact on the future career, regardless of whether it was intentional or not.

The responsibility to avoid plagiarism belongs with the student or researcher. Plagiarism can be avoided by learning how to correctly acknowledge any ideas, words, images, data, etc. that belong to somebody else.

Why Do people Plagiarize?

  1. Easy to copy and paste from the internet.
  2. Difficult to write in English when English is not the first language.
  3. Cultural difference: in Asia, students are taught to memorize and imitate the language and style of past masters in order to become better writers.
  4. Increased pressure to publish for researchers
  5. Unethical intentions
  6. Mistakes
  7. Lack of training and awareness of rules.

Revision Date

Revised and updated on 11/24/2025.