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USSO 289V - To Everest and Back: The Politics and Culture of Mountaineering - Research Guide

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Reminder: Online Access

  • Library resources require going through CWRU Single Sign-On.
  • The best method is to follow links from the library website.
  • When logged in and a browser window is not closed, access should continue from resource to resource.
  • Remember to close your browser when done.

Comprehensive Electronic Reference Resources

Online Catalog Searching for Reference Collections

University-level libraries offer a wide variety of topical and subject specific reference collections.  Many of the entries for terminology, key concepts and topics, people, ...etc. in these works include multi-page essays and bibliographies.  Make sure to take full advantage of these collections, both in print and online.

Types of reference works include:

  • topical encyclopedias
  • biographical dictionaries
  • directories (for people and associations)
  • historical atlases and almanacs
  • subject handbooks
  • subject guides
  • statistical compendium
  • subject bibliographies

Use the names of reference types in keyword searches to find the sections of Case Libraries reference collection that address your topic.

  • Online catalog keyword search example = (“encyclopedia/dictionary/handbook”) + (research topic keywords)

If the reference source is not available electronically, make sure to note the location of the print reference source in the catalog entry.  It will be one of these three designations:

  • Core Reference (first floor, Northeast shelves)
  • Ready Reference (first floor, near the reference desk)
  • "Check Shelves" (*this means that the material is shelved on the third floor with the rest of our books and monographs)

Topical Reference Sources

Below are examples of topical reference materials from our Case Libraries collection.