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USSO 289V - To Everest and Back: The Politics and Culture of Mountaineering - Research Guide

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Reminder: Online Access

  • Library resources require going through CWRU Single Sign-On.
  • The best method is to follow links from the library website.
  • When logged in and a browser window is not closed, access should continue from resource to resource.
  • Remember to close your browser when done.

Search the Case Libraries Catalog and OhioLINK

The library catalog can be used to find books by keyword and subject on your topic.

In a subject search, for example, notice that there are many results for the general subject heading search for "Mountaineering".  You can order these results by date, relevance, or title.

The online catalog is indexed by Library of Congress subject headings.  Other subject headings for books related to course themes and research include,

You can also search for people discussed in your course by using the author and subject search modes.  Try author and subject searches for these artists.  The search format in both types of searches is - [last name], [first name].

You can also refine your catalog searches by using the Advanced Search mode for the online library catalog and applying some limits, such as a publication date range, wildcard symbols, geopgraphic region, and additional topical keyword terms.  And, make sure to apply these searching principles as you gather information about your topic:

Also remember that using the "Search OhioLINK" button will expand your search.  This is very useful if you need a book when our copy is unavailable, or if Case Libraries does not own a specific book that you need.

You can also use Search OhioLINK if you want to expand your keyword or subject heading search from our holdings to those of the larger OhioLINK consortium.

And, you can apply the same search refinements and limits in OhioLink as you would in the Case Libraries online catalog.