Kelvin Smith Library
Journals at Case are often included in a database with controlled language for efficient, advanced researching. Search a journal title in the EJournals Portal, for online access–it will display various options for your use, including direct online subscriptions from databases or publishers, or both.
Examples: Innovation Journal, Creativity Research Journal, Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, International Journal of Innovation Management, Design Issues, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Consumer Research, and others that are online in the database Business Source Complete (BSC), listed in the Management folder of the Research Databases list, or in the Subject folder for Design & Innovation. Using BSC for your journal article search & discovery gives you added features to save, export, and use controlled language hyperlinks to find similar articles.
The Academy of Management Journal is easily located via the EJournals portal in Business Source Complete (BSC) database. BSC also includes Academy of Management Review, Corporate Governance: an international review, Creativity and Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Journal of the Association for Information Systems,
Other examples: Management Science, and Organization Science will be found in INFORMS PubsOnline database – and many will be found in several databases plus the JSTOR Arts & Sciences IV archival collection database.
Find online journals fast, with KSL's EJournals portal, a convenient quick link on the Case Catalog
Enter a journal title on EJournals portal = find where the journal is full text online:
Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice is online & current in 3 sources:
TIP: Even if your journal is in an 'embargoed' database with a 6,12,18 month gap, the title, abstract, and all hyperlinked Subject, Author, Industry, Company links are always current. You can continue to evaluate new articles & read abstracts, and request them using ILLiad interlibrary loan services.
If a journal article (year, volume, issue) is not found via the EJournals Portal, do a Title journal search in the Case Catalog, for a print copy. If the article is not online or in print at Case, KSL ILLiad gets it for you & delivers it electronically. KSL partners with libraries around the world to bring you electronic copies of articles you need.
Use the direct link for ILLiad (bookmark link is at the bottom of this column box), OR select the Interlibrary Loan link on the right side of the Case Catalog
Select KSL ILLiad to place a request:
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If it's not available at Case or OhioLINK
Use ILLiad to get what you cannot read online or request on the OhioLINK Central Catalog.
Note: ILLiad is hosted in VA & there are 2 scroll bars on the webpage due to the Case branding page. Just move the outer scroll bar down if you need to get to the bottom of the screen.