Kelvin Smith Library
If the journal title isn't in the Ejournal List, find the print journal in the Case Catalog, via a Title search
Note: "Location" shows where it is. Law Library has titles, as does KSL's Cedar Ave Retrospective Research Center (RRCC).
• Get More Information From the Catalog Record & Find More Like It:
Journal titles and journal articles have tags & terms assigned to them. Example:
If the Journal of Banking and Finance has on-target content, you can easily find similar journals.
- Look at the catalog information for this journal, click its subject link for "Banks and Banking--Periodicals"
- That subject link takes you to 23 similar journal or serial publications at Case...
This technique easily finds related journals like Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, FDIC Banking Review
Is Your Journal Title Electronic? Find It, Fast!
If you see a citation or hear about a new article, the E-Journal List is only tool you need to to find the full text. Whether the journal is a separate subscription or it's included within one of our databases, EJournal list finds it for you & links you to it!
The link you choose from the results of a journal title search on the EJournal List may depend on whether a) you want to read only that article (in a subscription link) or b) read it and continue researching the subject or author in the database link.
Find More Like It....
If you choose a database like Business Source Complete for your journal article, it will have tags & terms assigned to it. Use those tags/terms to begin a new search for 'more like it.' EJournal list helps to identify a good database to do your searching–if a good journal is included, others like it are in there & it's a good place to start a new search
• Get More Information From the EJournal List & Find More Like It:
Use the Subject Search pull-down menu for a discipline, and see related electronic journals that you may have forgotten, or see new ones you've never used. Browse other titles in your area with this technique, and since they're all electronic versions, it's easy to follow the links to read them!
Journals may be online or in print at a Case or OhioLINK library. Use the EJournal finder to locate online versions.
BAFI journal literature is included in a variety of databases: Business Source Complete, OhioLINK Electronic Journal Center (OhioLINK EJC), JSTOR, Project MUSE, Directory of Open Access Journals, and publisher's sites if the EJournal finder links through to them.
Titles may also have earlier volumes in print at KSL, and a journal title search in the Case Catalog locates them for you.
A few sample journal titles & where they can be read online:
Journal of Banking and Finance (OhioLINK EJC)
Journal of Finance (Business Source Complete, OhioLINK EJC)
Journal of Financial Economics (OhioLINK EJC)
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Economics (Business Source Complete)
Journal of International Money and Finance (OhioLINK EJC)
Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking (Business Source Complete, OhioLINK EJC)
Journal of Economics and Finance (Business Source Complete, OhioLINK EJC)
Review of Financial Studies (Business Source Complete, OhioLINK EJC)
Finance journals, in a new manner of peer-review publishing, included in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) U.S. and international. Samples include the titles below. The DOAJ is listed on all the Research Database lists, including Subject folders.