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Advanced Search Strategies for Music Graduate Students

Research Services Librarian

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Jacey Kepich

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Reminder: Online Access

  • Library resources require going through CWRU Single Sign-On.
  • The best method is to follow links from the library website.
  • When logged in and a browser window is not closed, access should continue from resource to resource.
  • Remember to close your browser when done.


This tutorial shows you how to use advanced features in academic databases.

Databases provide indexing, abstracting, and links to primary and secondary materials. Popular types include journal articles, book chapters, and dissertations.

A database interface lets you enter search terms and select which database indexes you'd like to search. Below is a screenshot for RILM, the most important database for journal articles on music. It shows search terms entered (early music and gesture) and indexes chosen (Journal Title and Subject). This search will retrieve all articles in the journal Early Music which relate to gesture.

screenshot of RILM search space
An interface is a portal to other tools, including browse indexes, lists of authorized headings, search histories, help screens, and detailed lists of sources. Understanding them is the key to using a database efficiently.

LibGuide Attribution

This tutorial is modeled after a guide created by Stephen Toombs, Kulas Music Librarian from 1988-2016. Revised and updated 8-29-24.

CWRU Libraries Discovery

Suggested Use

This tutorial has four sections. Follow them in order:

Section 1: Understanding the database interface
Section 2: Searching techniques and strategies to try
Section 3: Evaluating database content and interface
Section 4: Accessing CWRU library resources