Kelvin Smith Library
Don't have a company? Not sure of your industry code name?
Start with a known product or a company. Find one, & you can find more.
Use Hoovers for a clean fast look!
Example: Athersys
• find the company • get the Industry codes • get a competitor list.
Athersys' main page (Hoovers) shows the NAICS as 325414.
• Select the left side link Competitor Landscape: find Curacen, Genzyme, Osiris Therapeutics.
• Use those companies to find other NAICS codes & companies, that leads to industries.
Use the names/industry codes to expand your industry scan!
Hoovers has easy-to-find links for historical info, executive names, significant developments, & more.
• Use any of those known items to do article searches in a database.
Finding a company or industry is really a 360-degree project–you need the big picture!
SEC filings have a wealth of information in them. If you locate a company in LexisNexis, you can use a hyperlinked version of their SEC filing from the company snapshot. (You'll also be able to see any intellectual property news and patents filed in Lexis.)
Unusual financial activity is reported in SEC filings. They can be a challenge to read through–try to use one from Lexis if you can.
Find information about a specific company, identify competitors. Create customized lists of companies based on location, line of business, sales etc
Hoovers has a good clean look, with easy to use links for more information about companies and industries.
Once you find a company, the left side column has options like Interactive Stock Chart like this one.
Add another company ticker symbol, then compare it to the stock index it's on to see how two competitors are against the stock index. Choose the date range you'd like, from 1-10 years. Good for established companies that might be adding a new product!