Kelvin Smith Library
If the database you are using doesn't provide the full text for an article directly, remember to take these 3 steps IN SEQUENCE to search for a copy in the Case Libraries system.
IF, AND ONLY IF, these 3 steps don't provide a way to get a copy of the article, see the box below for information on our inter-library loan (ILL) service.
If you've determined that the full text of an article isn't available electronically or in print from the Case Libraries, you can request a copy through our interlibrary loan service.
The library catalog can be used to find books by keyword and subject on your topic.
In a subject search, for example, notice that there are many results for general subject heading searches such as "Social Sciences Methodology" or "Social Sciences Research Methodology". There are also multiple subject categories covering particular specific subjects, resource types, .. etc.:
TIP: When you find a record for a book that is highly relevant for you research topic, click the subject headings to find more books on related topics. Take a look at this book record, for example. Click on the subject heading hyperlink for more on this topic.
General subjects, title words and keywords for searching (including exact phrase searching with quotation marks) might include:
You can also refine your catalog searches by using the Advanced Search mode for the online library catalog and applying some limits, such as a publication date range, wildcard symbols, geopgraphic region, and additional topical keyword terms. And, make sure to apply these searching principles as you gather information about your topic:
Also remember that using the "Search OhioLINK" button will expand your search. This is very useful if you need a book when our copy is unavailable, or if Case Libraries does not own a specific book that you need.
You can also use Search OhioLINK if you want to expand your keyword or subject heading search from our holdings to those of the larger OhioLINK consortium.
And, you can apply the same search refinements and limits in OhioLink as you would in the Case Libraries online catalog.
A compilation of the Anthropological Index Online and Anthropological Literature databases, this resource is an extensive index of bibliographic materials covering the fields of anthropology, archaeology, and related interdisciplinary research.