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Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

General guide to resources formecahnical and aerospace engineering.

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  • Library resources require going through CWRU Single Sign-On.
  • The best method is to follow links from the library website.
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Patents Search

Learn more about how to search for patents:

How to search for patents

Grant Patent vs Patent Application

A patent application is a request pending to be granted or issued a patent. A patent is the document at the end of the application process that has been granted a patent. The content of a patent application is different from the content of a patent.

To differentiate between patents and patent applications, one have to look at the letter following a patent number. The letter represents the kind codes used to distinguish the kind of patent document and the level of publication. Kind codes include a letter and, in many cases, a number.

 Starting with January 2, 2001, all patent applications numbers end in A1, A2, or A9.

Starting with the same date, a granted or issued patent number ends in B1 or B2

Check USPTO Kind Codes if the patent is dated before 2001 and to see all the other types of kind codes available:

Why use both Google Patents and USPTO?

Google Patents offers a fast way to find patents. However, a more comprehensive search has to be executed in USPTO databases.

Google Patents
  • easy, fast, and familiar
  • fulltext search available starting with first US patents
  • searches US, EPO, and WIPO at the same time
  • scanning errors
  • not updated regurlarly
  • includes only the first version of a patent

  • the most complete collection of US patents
  • most up-to-date collection
  • include useful tools
  • not easy to use
  • fulltext search starts with 1976