Kelvin Smith Library
If the database you are using doesn't provide the full text for an article directly, remember to take these 3 steps IN SEQUENCE to search for a copy in the Case Libraries system.
IF, AND ONLY IF, these 3 steps don't provide a way to get a copy of the article, see the box below for information on our inter-library loan (ILL) service.
If you've determined that the full text of an article isn't available electronically or in print from the Case Libraries, you can request a copy through our interlibrary loan service.
Provides electronic, full text access to the back files to hundreds of scholarly periodicals in a variety of disciplines in humanities, arts and sciences, social sciences, and business. Coverage begins with the first issue of the journal. The latest issue available is determined by a moving wall. The moving wall represents the time period between the last issue available in JSTOR and the most recently published issue of a journal. It is specified by publishers in their license agreements with JSTOR, and generally ranges from three to five years.
Artstor content has been migrated to JSTOR; select the "images" tab to search images.