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Information Systems

Information Systems for An Information-Decision World

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Reminder: Online Access

  • Library resources require going through CWRU Single Sign-On.
  • The best method is to follow links from the library website.
  • When logged in and a browser window is not closed, access should continue from resource to resource.
  • Remember to close your browser when done.

Historical Newspapers

Search by Document type for articles, classified ads, comics, cartoons, editorial cartoons, front page, and more options. Titles vary for current year-ranges, but per license are always on a 'rolling wall' of dates.

Financial Times Historical, 1888- on a rolling wall of dates to correspond with current FT license archive

The Times (London) Archive, 1785 onwards of graphical newspapers, editorial cartoons, etc.

New York Times Historical, 1851- rolling wall of dates

Wall Street Journal Historical, 1889-rolling wall of dates

 Washington Post Historical, 1877 -rolling wall of dates

Safari Books Online

Browse the Categories from the left side menu, or search by text; results display by chapters as well as entire works.

Read online books in computer science, IT also feature topics in information technology. 

Find topics like Project Management, Mobile Development, Lean Startup, Security, Information Technology & Software Development, and more.

Create a Personal Sign In workspace – save chapters, bookmarks, tags & notes for your next visit to Safari Books Online.  

Articles & Databases

Research Databases are quickly accessible from a convenient link on the top of the Case Catalog page


Select the Management folder for databases appropriate to all WSOM management sciences.  

  • Business Source Complete (BSC) is the primary database for journal articles in the management and business fields, including journal articles, trade literature, management magazines, reports. 
  • On the EBSCOhost platform, use BSC with many features for ease of use (search strategies, save articles, create/share folders, cite, create notes, export)
    • Example: from BSC, Connect to dozens of EBSCOhost databases via "Choose Databases" link; replicate a search in another research area

Other Subject areas from the All Research Databases list also may be useful:

  • Science & Technology folder, for resources like ACM Digital Library for computing, EI Engineering Village and IEEE Xplore for engineering, MathSciNet, & more 

Note: Licensed databases & resources are available to currently authenticated Case individuals. On campus with laptops or mobile devices, use Case Wireless or VPN+DuoMobile for access. If off-campus, use VPN +DuoMoblie app & sign in with network credentials–then, open your browser.

Notable Newspapers

Use either the Management folder or the News folder of Research Databases to access titles that are current and/or historical:

Financial Times: create your account from the  Research Datbase list, save your email, get the mobile app, create alerts. Thereafter, just login in via on any VPN or Case Wireless device. Current FT license also has a 4 year archive in the product. Use the top left  menu for ePaper = the pink paper graphical version!

News At A Glance: Use Factiva's tab for NewsPages/Factiva for a one-page view of the WSJ, NYT, Washington Post, Barrons, Forbes. A 2-week archive, change dates & sections via the drop-down menus for each title.

Regional News  in the News folder: Ohio newspapers via Newsbank or Access Ohio, plus features for hot topic news, world economics, and more

Tip: Current Newspapers titles are often also within databases–use the EJournal Portal to find titles like WJS in Factiva, Crain's Cleveland in Business Source Complete, NYT in Factiva & LexisNexis, etc.

Factiva Database for Company News

A firm-level product that is licensed for academics, Factiva requires a login via either the News or the Management folder on the Research Database list, each time you use it. [url is generated each time, do not bookmark] 

  • Change from the default Search page to the Companies tab at the top of the page. 

  • Enter a company name & let auto-fill enter the legal corporate name. 

  • Company Snapshot page is long & rich with details, includes segment information & Discovery Pane on right for news "around" a company
  • Use left sidebar facets for News (Latest News, Web News): grouped news menu bar for performance, bankruptcy, management moves, contracts, new products, legal, press releases, trade articles, more....
  • Use left sidebar facet Key Developments & use drop down menu for news on M&A, filings, funding, regs, more...
  • Company Snapshot has a hyperlink for the Industry–click through it & select "Run a Search" for industry news.
  • Example for Timken Co, click through Industry link for Engines & Turbines. Refine the  search: choose Timken Co from left. Choose Subject/ Corporate-Industrial News = several dozen articles:
    • Company Snapshot has hyperlink for the Industry–click it & select "Run a Search" for industry news

News Databases

Several databases provide company & industry information as well as respected news items. In a good news database, you can locate a strong company snapshot for performance, structure, and segments, and then use the same database for targeted news surrounding or about your company/industry.  

It's critical to read about your company's performance, risk, competitors, and news–and it's equally important to understand the related news & forecasts about the primary industry for a well-informed picture of either your company or industry. 

News Folder – current newspaper resources across disciplines, including the Chronicle of Higher Education,  historical archives of FT, NYT, WSJ and others for national, international, & regional news sources.

Management Folder – Business Source Complete database is the primary management resource and has many publication formats, including trade journals & newspapers that to keep you up to date on publications around a company or industry. 

Target narrower areas in databases like Econlit or Accounting & Tax or ThomsonOne Banker, or technology within Gartner.  

Company news is easy within Factiva and LexisNexis, and offers varied export functions.

LexisNexis – Company News & More

LexisNexis is a respected source with thousands of sources that cover both legal & news information. 

Open the Company Info widget on the main page, enter the name or ticker symbol, or "Search by Subject or Topic" and open Company Dossier link

Results page shows numerous small boxes from varied sources for current market & descriptive information

Menus on the left sidebar of a Company page lets you select news or information:

  • Current News about a company
  • "In the News:"major newspapers, magazines, transcripts & legal publications on topics, regions, financials, filings, M&A and more 

Main page of LexisNexis also features Hot Topic Links and a widget to Search the News (U.S. & world) 

News Sources

Gartner - Technology News

Gartner brings insight into information technologies for industries with analyst research that covers business trends & data across a variety of industries.

Read their reports on Hype-Cycles, Magic Quadrants, and Special Reports, for a wider understanding of the issues in information technologies & systems. The Case license covers approximately 80% of the Gartner site, and content that is not available to Case is clearly noted.

• Gartner is licensed for Case individuals through Case Information Technology, and requires your current authenticated network credentials via SingleSignOn.

• Gartner information is to be used for your academic projects only, and is not to be shared outside of the university.