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MBA - Library Orientation Guide

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Reminder: Online Access

  • Library resources require going through CWRU Single Sign-On.
  • The best method is to follow links from the library website.
  • When logged in and a browser window is not closed, access should continue from resource to resource.
  • Remember to close your browser when done.

IBIS World Report-Sample. Note Table of Contents on left menu bar.

Market & Industry Research

KSL subscribes to several market/industry research databases. These are outstanding resources that target specific industries ( or sub-industries).  Each report generally covers industry conditions, competitive landscape, market-share analysis and consumer profiles, segmentation and forecast.

Each database has specific strengths so choose according to your area of interest. In some cases there is overlap so you may want to look at more than one.

Mintel Market Research – Reports covering US and limited international marketplaces. Focuses on consumer products and services. Each report combines data & analysis of the competitive landscape, market-share analysis and consumer profiles.

IBIS World – Reports on 700+ U.S. industries covering all sectors. Each report has Executive Summary, Key Statistics, Segmentation, Market Characteristics, Industry Conditions, Key Competitors, Industry Performance Outlook. Updated quarterly.

Gartner – Charts, hype-cycles, data, overviews, reports by analysts on industries that are technology related. Requires additional Case login, Case has access to 80% of site's data.

Statista – Find quick statistical data on topics and industries, generate fast charts (export the data and/or the charts) and discover Related statistics around your topic.

BCC Research Market Forecasting – Global coverage of 19 industries, with archived reports in the database. Use word search on homempage, note which "Categories" display on the last line of the result description. Use those categories to do more refined searching. Often using several Categories is the best approach. Expandable Table of Contents, Executive Summary & Charts, Lists of Tables and Figures inform aspects of a search. Do not share outside of Case. 

ThomsonOne – Use the  "Research" tab  on a company search result,  and read market analyst reports from the "Investext" tab. Large reports, you can select specific sections for downloading, as needed. NOTE: Only works with Internet Explorer, version 8 (2014) Highly proprietary, these documents are not to be shared to non-Case individuals, or used for any commerical or employment situation.

CWRU Libraries Discovery