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EPOM 407 Engineering Economics and Financial Analysis

Financial aspects for consideration in engineering projects

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Research In Accounting Regulation

Other Key Journals

Journals in this list are available via the  EJournals portal

  • Accounting and business research
  • CPA journal
  • Journal of accountancy
  • Journal of accounting, auditing & finance
  • Journal of accounting research
  • Management accounting

They are covered in a variety of databases: Accounting & Tax, Business Source Complete, LexisNexis, OhioLINK Electronic Journal Center (EJC), JSTOR.

Articles in Databases

The KSL Research Database List for Economics also has other complementing databases in Accounting, Banking and Finance,  Management. This partial list highlights featured databases related to economics information, trends, news & more.

Find related research in the Business Folder on the Research Database list for Accounting, Banking and Finance, Labor, General Business & Management,  Market & Industry Analysis, and other business fields.

Find Your Journals & 'Find More Like It'

Is Your Journal Title Electronic? Find It, Fast!

Fnd out if a journal you saw or heard about is licensed for you & use the E-Journals List to find it! Whether the journal is a separate subscription or included in a database, the EJournals portal finds it!

  • Start at the Case Catalog | Select EJournals from the thin gray menu bar near the top of the screen | Type in the journal title

  • Follow the best link for the date of your citation, e.g.:

The link you choose from the results of a journal title search on EJournals may depend on whether a) you want to read only that article (in a subscription link) or b) read it and continue researching the subject or author in the database link.

• Find More Like It...

Choose a link for a database like Business Source Complete or Accounting & Tax for your journal article & the article will have standardized tags & subject terms assigned to it that describe the article. Use those tags/terms to begin a new search for 'more like it,' expanding on the original article that you liked.  

EJournals list helps to identify a good database to do further searching–if a good journal is included in the database, others like it are in there & it's a good place to start a new search so you can stay in one good source and build upon the good article you found there.