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CWRU Open Access Agreements and Other Funding

CWRU authors are able to publish open access at no cost in select journals through agreements with several publishers. This guide provides details on each agreement for CWRU authors as well as alternative no cost options and funding possibilities..

Agreement Details

Cleveland Health Sciences Library (CHSL) has initiated an agreement with Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Journals that allows CWRU authors to publish OA without paying any Article Processing Charges (APC). To be eligible:

  • The Corresponding author (CA) must be affiliated with CWRU
  • Must be publishing with the following journals: Genes & Development, Genome Research, RNA, Learning & Memory, Molecular Case Studies (learn more about each journal at the links below)
  • Article must be a research, review or case study. Does not apply to certain other article types including comments, editorials, and analyses.

If eligible, the publisher will offer the corresponding author the option to publish and distribute the article Version of Record as an Open Access publication with a CC-BY or a CC-BY-NC Version 4.0 license, with the author retaining copyright.