There are several company resources that are very rich in company financials (5 yrs or since the start of the company), competitors, market & industry reports, venture capital, history, company officers, and more. Look on company pages for their blogs, as well.
• For a fast look at a company, use Intellect (by Mergent) Note: this database requires VPN off campus.
- Search by name for best result, type slowly & then select headquarters as best option.Get a 5 yr look at financials,
- Industry Details tab: get industry codes to use in another database. NAICS is best (North American Industry Code). A company can have several industry codes, note them all for use in the industry databases.
- Financial Details has cash flow, historical pricing, and more (5yrs)
- Company Brief shows heat maps for news, insider trading, industries, and more
• For a comprehensive view, use Mergent Online for public companies. Large private companies will be listed, but with minimal data since they don't have to report to shareholders.
• Search a company name, type slowly, then select the best auto-suggestion to populate the search field
• Mergent has 12 green tabs, and each green tab will have 3-10 text tabs underneath the green tab. See below.
Best options:
Company Details (history, business segments), Company Financials (numerous & detailed options), Annual Reports to investors, including filings, Corporate Social Responsibility, 10K, etc.), Competitors (sort/export, etc.), Supply Chain.
"Company Reports" -> Equity Reports is a 3-page document noting market activity by rank 1 to 5, plus top competitors with ranking noted on the report icon.
• For Company financials (5 yrs), Peer Comparison tool, Key Developments, and extensive News, use Factiva by DowJones. Select "Companies"/Markets" tab in the black banner, and slowly search a company name, using auto-suggest to auto-fill the search field.
- Company page: a Snapshot with 3 columns: tools on left sidebar; Discovery Pane - news "around" [not about] a Company on right sidebar; center has a snapshot of market news, industry, key financials, business segments, brief news
- Use left sidebar for best News options, Peer Comparison tool, and more
- Best news option is from left sidebar " Latest News" & shows numerous "Suggested Categories"
IMPORTANT: Factiva license is for 4 simultaneous users. There is a time-out after 10 minutes of inactivity. LOG OFF when finished.