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Organizational Behavior

Resources for leadership, teams, and the social aspects of management

KSL Research Services Librarian & Liaison for Weatherhead School of Management • Liaison, Art History & Art

Profile Photo
Karen Oye
Kelvin Smith Library, 201-H


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Reminder: Online Access

  • Library resources require going through CWRU Single Sign-On.
  • The best method is to follow links from the library website.
  • When logged in and a browser window is not closed, access should continue from resource to resource.
  • Remember to close your browser when done.

Welcome To Kelvin Smith Library

The field of Organizational Behavior draws on literature from a wide variety of disciplines including business, management, sociology, psychology, law, social work, and education to name a few. The majority of resources for students & faculty at Case Western Reserve University are available through Kelvin Smith Library, although the other campus libraries may have materials of interest.

Your current Case ID card & library account in good standing gives you borrowing privileges at the Case Libraries and also for onsite borrowing at OhioLINK Member braries, or on the OhioLINK Catalog via the "Request" icon of an item that is available for borrowing & delivery to a Case library.  

The Economist – Print & Web content

What Is OhioLINK?

OhioLINKis a consortium of 90 Ohio college and university libraries, and the State Library of Ohio, that work together to provide Ohio students, faculty and researchers with the information they need for teaching and research. Serving more than 600,000 students, faculty, and staff at 89 institutions, OhioLINK’s membership includes 16 public/research universities, 23 community/technical colleges, 49 private colleges and the State Library of Ohio. 

 OhioLINK Catalog

Linked from the Case Catalog, OhioLINK offers access to more than 48 million library items statewide, encompassing a spectrum of library material including law, medical and special collections. The OhioLINK Central Catalog contains  unique titles from its 90member libraries and participating public libraries via SearchOhio links. Students, faculty, staff, and card holders from participating public libraries can use the OhioLINK Library Catalog to find and request materials online, then pick them up two to three days later at the participating library of their choice. Users can renew books online and keep them for up to 15 weeks.

SearchOhio Catalog

Ohio's public library consortia is a partner with OhioLINK for book sharing. Find the SearchOhio icon linked on the OhioLINK Catalog banner, and supplement your academic resources. Many large public library systems collect resources to support work through master's programs.

CWRU Libraries Discovery