Kelvin Smith Library
From the Research Database list, Accounting or Management or News folders:
Both Factiva & LexisNexis have specialized Accounting sections for journals, newsletters, curated news, & company information.
Tip: Search a news source from EJournals Portal & click through a LexisNexis link–the news source title is automatically inserted into Lexis. Add your search terms
Browse a journal in Factiva: use default Search page. Select Source/Select Source Category by Industry [drop down menu], select Accounting/Consulting to view publications for searching.
Newspapers & Sources in Factiva & LexisNexis
In Factiva:
In LexisNexis:
Find out where your newspaper is included, by using the Ejournals link from the Case Catalog
Search something specific, or Browse a specific issue by selecting a year to open the volume/issues.
TIP: In any EBSCOhost databse, save time: set your page display to 50 items per page since an edition often will cover 100+ items.
TIP: Looking for particular words in a long display list? Simply use your browser Find command (Ctrl F, or Command-F) to quickly find results