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CWRU's Digital Collections

Everything you need to know about CWRU's digital collections repository, Digital Case.

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Reminder: Online Access

  • Library resources require going through CWRU Single Sign-On.
  • The best method is to follow links from the library website.
  • When logged in and a browser window is not closed, access should continue from resource to resource.
  • Remember to close your browser when done.

General Usage

On Digital Case, you can start viewing materials by navigating to "Collections" or by using the search bar. Our collections are organized based on the location of the collection (CWRU Archives, CWRU Special Collections, or Partner Institutions). These materials are then further organized based on their collection and descriptions. 

Digital Case not only makes these digitized resources available for viewing, but also lets users download the digital materials and their corresponding data!
To learn more about other capabilities of Digital Case and how they can assist your needs, contact the Digital Collections Librarianfor more individualized approaches!


Before starting your search, it is always good to brainstorm keywords! 

  1. Write down words or phrases that describe your topic
  2. Use these keywords to do a few test searches
  3. Browse the results
  4. Look at the "Details" section below the digital materials and note these terms down
  5. Redo the search using those terms to yield better results

Quick Guide

Digital Case is CWRU's digital collections repository, an openly-available online source for curated digital content. By providing easy access to Special Collections, University Archives, and our Partner Institutions' digitized materials, digital copies of rare books, manuscripts, historical images, documents, audiovisual materials, and more are available for all! 

Digital Case is a multidisciplinary resource that can:

  • Provide unique and rich datasets
  • Supply distinctive primary resources
  • Deliver high quality downloadable materials along with their associated data

Click here to see how Digital Case can enhance your research!

Digital Case is a universal learning tool that can:

  • Serve as open-access learning materials for all subject areas
  • Increase access of data and information to the public
  • Bring awareness to the use of primary sources within the classroom
  • Supply easily downloadable materials and data

Click Here to See How Digital Case Can Assist Teaching and Learning!

Contact our Digital Collections Librarian for More Information:


Phone: 216-368-0559