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Collections @ Kelvin Smith Library

Guide provides an overview of new collections and resources acquired and/or subscribed to by the Kelvin Smith Library (KSL). It provides information on collection policies and initiatives.

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Reminder: Online Access

  • Library resources require going through CWRU Single Sign-On.
  • The best method is to follow links from the library website.
  • When logged in and a browser window is not closed, access should continue from resource to resource.
  • Remember to close your browser when done.

Open Access (OA) Publishing Opportunities at CWRU

Please see this related guide that documents and promotes the OA publishing opportunities available to faculty, staff, and students.


A&AePortal name as logoThe A&AePortal is an authoritative eBook resource that features important works of scholarship in the history of art, architecture, decorative arts, photography, and design. With innovative functionality and extensive metadata, the site offers students and scholars an engaging experience, encouraging critical thinking skills and supporting rigorous academic research.

A&AePortal Sample Ebook Covers

Subject Areas

Field of study

  • Architecture and Urban History
  • Art History and Theory
  • Conservation and Technical Studies
  • Decorative Arts and Material Culture
  • Design and Graphic Design
  • Fashion and Textile History
  • Landscape Studies
  • Photography and Film


  • African American and Black Diaspora
  • Ancient
  • Ancient Americas
  • Art, Science, and the Environment
  • Medieval
  • Modern and Contemporary
  • Native North American
  • Renaissance
  • Women’s, Gender, & Sexuality Studies

Geographic region

  • African
  • American
  • Asian and Southeast Asian
  • British
  • Dutch and Netherlandish
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Latin American and Caribbean
  • Middle and Near Eastern
  • Spanish

Crain's Cleveland

For 40 years, Crain’s Cleveland Business has been the trusted source for business news and information for Northeast Ohio’s top executives and business owners. provides visitors full access to all of Crain's award-winning content, including online news, blog posts, articles from the weekly print issue, original videos, and access to past Crain's stories.

Financial Times

The library negotiated a new 3-year deal to continue access to faculty, staff, and students.

Index Islamicus & Encyclopedia Islamica

Index Islamicus Online is THE international classified bibliography of publications in European languages on all aspects of Islam and the Muslim world.


Encyclopaedia Islamica Online is based on the abridged and edited translation of the Persian Dāʾirat al-Maʿārif-i Buzurg-i Islāmī, one of the most comprehensive sources on Islam and the Muslim world. A unique feature of the Encyclopaedia Islamica Online lies in the attention given to Shiʿi Islam and its rich and diverse heritage. In addition to providing entries on important themes, subjects and personages in Islam generally, Encyclopaedia Islamica Online offers the Western reader an opportunity to appreciate the various dimensions of Shiʿi Islam, the Persian contribution to Islamic civilization, and the spiritual dimensions of the Islamic tradition.

Institute of Physics (IOP) + ECS (2023-25)

Starting January 1, 2023, students, faculty, and staff at most OhioLINK member institutions will have access to current articles published in all 70+ journals published by IOP. In addition, corresponding authors at OhioLINK member institutions may publish open access (OA) journal articles at no additional charge to either the author or the institution.

Access to the publishing benefits begins on January 1, 2022, and continues through December 31, 2025. This means that to publish an article as open access without paying any Article Publication Charge (APC), the article to be published must be accepted for publication after January 1, 2023, and on or before December 31, 2025. OhioLINK's agreement with IOP allows for original research and review articles to be published as open-access in all journals that participate in IOP's transformative agreements(link sends e-mail), including most of its fully open-access and hybrid open-access journals

See the OhioLINK information page for authors for more details.

Index to Printed Music

The Index to Printed Music is a digital finding aid for individual pieces of music published in the complete works of composers, in anthologies, and in other scholarly editions. Over 540,000 entries provide a granular level of detail about each piece, including performing forces, language, music incipits, multiple clefs, and figured bass.

Knowledge Unlatched

Knowledge Unlatched (KU) makes scholarly content freely available to everyone and contributes to the further development of the open access (OA) infrastructure. Through library pledges, content is secured and made available to the world.

The Kelvin Smith Library supported various efforts in FY22 and FY23.

Berghahn Migration and Development Studies (2021-23) is the front-list publications covering the topics of international migration and movement as well as the social implications of economic and environmental change on communities. Includes titles from the Forced Migration series as well as Integration and Conflict Studies and the Environmental Anthropology and Ethnobiology series among others. Features Berghahn Books’ most action-oriented anthropology portfolio aimed at achieving the widest impact that its research insights make possible.

EDP Sciences Open Mathematics (2023-2025) includes 6 journals:

  • Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena
  • ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations
  • ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis
  • ESAIM: Probability and Statistics
  • RAIRO - Operations Research
  • RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

HAU Books (2023-25) is the book publishing wing of the Society for Ethnographic Theory (SET). The aim is to ensure that anthropologists‘ precious ethnographic findings can return to the communities studied by the scientists in a free and shareable form. The effort also ensured no author-facing costs.

IWA Publishing Frontlist Books (2023-2025) collection explores a variety of topics related to water and wastewater. Includes research on water quality and filtration in evolving countries.

KU Focus Collection 2023: Climate Change features 20 frontlist cutting-edge books from publishers such as Emerald, Ohio University Press, Taylor & Francis, and others.

KU Focus Collection 2023: Global Health features 20 frontlist cutting-edge books from publishers such as the University of London Press, AOSIS, Taylor & Francis, and others. 

KU Select 2023 English Language and Literature includes 42 books from Boydell & Brewer, Brill, Edinburgh University Press, and others.

KU Select 2023 History includes 51 books from Purdue University Press, Anthem Press, Liverpool University Press, and others.

KU Select 2023 Modern Languages includes 36 books from the University of Hawaii Press, Verso Books, Duke University Press, and others.

KU Select 2023 Politics & International Studies includes 30 front-list books from the University of Michigan Press, Ledizioni Publishing, Manchester University Press, and others.

KU Select 2023 Sociology includes 60 books from Emerald, Taylor & Francis, Georgetown University Press and others.

Routledge Gender Studies (2023-2025) includes 20 books per year in global and cutting-edge research on such hot topics as LGBTQ rights, post-colonialism, and feminist pedagogy. This collection of books also covers interdisciplinary areas ranging from motherhood and beauty to sport, film, and culture.

Naxos jazz collection

OhioLINK ARPA-funded DEI Collection

OhioLINK announces the State Library of Ohio has awarded American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) grant funding from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) for the purchase of a collection of unlimited- and perpetual-access Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) e-books. OhioLINK’s central coordination of the selection and implementation will make these e-books accessible to libraries that otherwise would not have the financial, staffing, or technical resources to acquire such a collection. The first phase of the collection, 82 books, is available.

Note these books are not listed as a "collection" on the ProQuest Ebook Central platform or via the CWRU or OhioLINK library catalogs. Title list is below in Excel to be browsed.

OhioLINK Resources (GEER Funding)

Governor’s Emergency Education Relief (GEER) funds are part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act, federal economic aid authorized in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2020, OhioLINK was awarded funding for the first round of GEER resources through the Ohio Department of Higher Education.  Again in 2022, OhioLINK has been awarded additional funding. These funds will be used to continue efforts to bridge COVID-created gaps in higher education instructional materials and library resources.  OhioLINK's collection development committee CIRM recommended the following e-resources be purchased with the GEER funds to address the ongoing needs of faculty/instructors in teaching remote and hybrid courses to Ohio’s 2-year, undergraduate, and graduate-level students across a wide range of disciplines.

Routledge Handbooks (Taylor & Francis)

Starting December 1, 2022, OhioLINK membership has perpetual access to approximately 2,700 e-books to support a broad curriculum: humanities, social sciences, science & technology, and more.  Includes all Handbooks published through 2021.

Elsevier Evidence-Based Selection (EBS) e-books

Access for 12 months to e-books (published 2012-2022) and e-textbooks (published through 2023) in subjects relating to science, social science, medicine, and engineering. In November 2023, the purchase of selected high-use titles with perpetual access will be formalized and other titles turned off.

University Press e-books from De Gruyter

Perpetual access to 2023 frontlist e-books from Columbia, Harvard, California, Stanford, Toronto, and University of Pennsylvania university presses. 

Additional leased access through, the end of 2023. to backfile content from these presses as well as Rutgers and Penn State university presses.

Supports broad curriculum for sciences, humanities, business, technology, medicine, law, and more.

SAGE Video Counseling & Psychotherapy Collection

Perpetual access to 480 streaming videos in mental health, counseling & psychotherapy.

Upgraded SAGE Journal Package

Included with the SAGE videos purchase, OhioLINK's Electronic Journal Center (EJC) package will be upgraded to the "Premier 2017" fixed journal package.  An additional 47 e-journals will be added for all EJC subscribers.


Pitchbook logo is name in blue text

PitchBook uncovers actionable insights and trends hidden within the financial data of more than three million companies, including public and private markets.

Pitchbook provides data covering

  • Publicly traded companies
  • Debt-financed companies
  • Non-backed private companies
  • Pre-IPO companies
  • Private equity-backed companies
  • Profitable companies
  • Startups and stealth startups
  • Venture capital-backed companies

Use the long-form version of your CWRU email address to log in..


PolicyMap is a U.S. national data and mapping tool that combines a curated, comprehensive geographic data library with simple, robust mapping and analytics tools. University faculty, researchers, and students use it to create compelling maps of up to five layers, export trend-charts with key benchmarks, download data for use in other tools, generate on-the-fly reports, and upload your own data to view it with ours.


RetroNews, the official news site of the Bibliothèque nationale de France, contains digitized primary media sources for French and European history, politics, and culture. The collection currently offers access to 700+ titles published between 1631 and 1950. Please note that content is in its original language without English translation. Use VPN for off-campus access.

Social Explorer

Use Social Explorer to visualize and interact with data, create maps, charts, reports, and downloads that help you reach your goals. Explore hundreds of thousands of built-in data indicators related to demography, economy, health, politics, environment, crime, and more. Easily add your own data for further impact.


SpringerMaterials name along with a horse head as


SpringerMaterials is a comprehensive database for identifying material properties that cover data from materials science, physics, physical and inorganic chemistry, engineering, and other related fields. 

The platform is aimed at academic and governmental institutions with a research focus on materials science, physics, chemistry, and engineering, and is supporting research and development in corporate organizations in the fields of bulk and fine chemical manufacturing, petroleum and petrochemicals, semiconductors, electronic and optical materials, ceramics, polymer synthesis and processing, and materials for fuels and energy application.

The platform includes the entire Landolt-Börnstein archive.

Taylor & Francis (T&F) - All Journals

CWRU has access to all T&F online journal titles from 2023-25, including back issues access to 1997. We gained over $10 million in content (2000+ titles) for a fraction of the cost.

In 2025, online usage will be analyzed to craft a future strategy for access.

Thesaurus Linguae Graecae (TLG)

The Thesaurus Linguae Graecae (TLG®) is a Special Research Program at the University of California, Irvine. Founded in 1972 the TLG® represents the first effort in the Humanities to produce a large digital corpus of literary texts. Since its inception, the project has collected and digitized most texts written in Greek from Homer (8 c. B.C.) to the fall of Byzantium in AD 1453. Its goal is to create a comprehensive digital library of Greek literature from antiquity to the present era. TLG research activities combine the traditional methodologies of philological and literary study with the most advanced features of information technology.

Today the Online TLG contains more than 110 million words from over 10,000 works associated with 4,000 authors and is constantly updated and improved with new features and texts. The full corpus is available to more than 2,000 subscribing institutions and thousands of individuals in 58 countries worldwide.

Various Journals

New online journals have been added across a variety of disciplines. Search for the title in the eJournal Portal to gain access.

Arts & Humanities

  • Ethnohistory
  • Jazz and Culture
  • Monist
  • Music Theory and Analysis
  • Native American and Indigenous Studies (NAIS)
  • Poetics Today

Science & Engineering

  • AIAA Meeting Papers & Archive
  • Canadian Geotechnical Journal
  • Catalysis Science & Technology
  • Cell Press (Elsevier)
    • Chem
    • Chem Catalysis
    • Joule
    • Cell Systems
    • Matter
    • Trends in Chemistry
  • Communications in Computational Physics
  • Geotechnique
  • Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers
  • Journal of City Climate and Policy Economy
  • Journal of Propulsion & Power
  • Journal of Spacecraft & Rockets
  • Mammalia
  • Radiology: Artificial Intelligence
  • SpringerNature
    • Nature Astronomy
    • Nature Catalysis
    • Nature Electronics
    • Nature Machine Intelligence
    • Nature Metabolism
    • Nature Plants
    • Nature Reviews Chemistry
    • Nature Reviews Methods Primers
    • Nature Reviews Physics

Social Sciences

  • Annual Review Social Sciences Collection
  • Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology
  • Clinical Ethics
  • Health Services Management Research
  • Journal of Health Politics Policy and Law
  • Journal of Health Services Research & Policy
  • Journal of Management Spirituality and Religion
  • Journal of Psychology & Theology
  • Public Policy & Aging Report
  • Review of General Psychology
  • Sociological Research Online
  • Sociology of Religion