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Collections @ Kelvin Smith Library

Guide provides an overview of new collections and resources acquired and/or subscribed to by the Kelvin Smith Library (KSL). It provides information on collection policies and initiatives.

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Highlights of New Resources

This guide provides an introduction and helpful information to new collections and resources acquired by the Kelvin Smith Library. The guide will highlight major purchases and subscriptions of print and electronic content.

Purchases from past years can be found from the navigation on the left.

If you have any questions about the resources, please contact the appropriate librarian listed at the bottom of left column of this guide.

New in 2017-18: Women, War and Society, 1914-1918

Image of a poster about women supporting efforts of World War OneThe First World War had a revolutionary and permanent impact on the personal, social and professional lives of all women. Their essential contribution to the war in Europe is fully documented in this definitive collection of primary source materials brought together in the Imperial War Museum, London. These unique documents - charity and international relief reports, pamphlets, photographs, press cuttings, magazines, posters, correspondence, minutes, records, diaries, memoranda, statistics, circulars, regulations and invitations - are published here for the first time in fully-searchable form, along with interpretative essays from leading scholars. Together these documents form an indispensable resource for the study of 20th-Century social, political, military and gender history.

New in 2017-18: World's Fairs: A Global History of Expositions

Worlds Fair banner showing a cartoon sketch of a fair

World’s fairs are a truly interdisciplinary subject. They engage topics as diverse as globalization and city planning to visual culture, bubble-gum and a global public, and this resource aims to reflect this breadth by including as wide a range of material types as possible. From the governmental records of early financial appeals and delicate international diplomacy, minutes and correspondence of fair committees and plans and design concepts, to contemporary ephemera (tickets, pamphlets, posters), personal accounts and official guidebooks; a huge range of angles of enquiry are made possible.

The first fair represented in this resource is what many consider the first world’s fair, the Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of All Nations at the Crystal Palace in London, 1851. The latest case study is Montreal’s Expo 1967, but there are documents as recent as Milan’s (successful) bid to host Expo 2015. The largest concentration of documents relate to fairs from the late Victorian-early Edwardian era of 1880-1920; the ‘golden age’ of expositions when neighbouring cities raced to outdo each other – sometimes hosting rival fairs in the same year.

While there are documents for host nations from every continent, the historical focus of international expositions (and therefore this resource) is Northern European, North American and – in the twentieth century in particular – East Asian. Throughout the centuries, however, countries from all over the world participated in world’s fairs not only as displayed but as active displayers, and can be discovered in this resource.

New in 2017-18: AAS Historical Periodicals (American Antiquarian Society)

AAS Historical Periodicals logo

Partnering with the American Antiquarian Society (AAS), the premier library documenting the life of America's people from the Colonial Era through the Civil War and Reconstruction, EBSCO provides digital access to the most comprehensive collection of American periodicals published between 1684 and 1912.

The fifty thematic subsets from AAS Historical Periodicals include digitized images of the pages of American magazines and journals not available from any other source and provide rich content detailing American history and culture from the mid-18th century through the late-19th century. These specialized collections cover advertising, health, women's issues, science, the history of slavery, industry and professions, religious issues, culture and the arts, and more.

Both researchers and faculty members can find just what they are searching for in a particular area of interest within these smaller collections, which vary in title count from 87 to approximately 300 in the broadest collection.

New in 2017-18: Left of Liberalism: Marxist-Socialist Newspapers, 1900-2015

Left of Liberalism Newspaper Cover ArtLeft of Liberalism Newspaper Cover ArtLeft of Liberalism Newspaper Cover Art

Left of Liberalism: Marxist-Socialist Newspapers, 1900-2015 is a collection of US and British papers that represent Communism, Socialism, and Marxism as alternative visions of organizing society. Based in the philosophy of Karl Marx, his critique of political economy, and Marx’s belief in social politics, it addresses issues of the 20th Century such as: the working class, labor conditions, unionism, post-WWII McCarthyism, and Nazi crimes against humanity. The collection is made possible in cooperation with the Marxist Internet Archive. 

The collection will be complete in the first half of 2018.  

Left of Liberalism: Marxist-Socialist Newspapers, 1900-2015 includes:

  • 141 Marxist and Socialist newspapers with more than 200,000 pages representing 115 years of socialist theory and practice
  • OCR’d text and support for cross-collection searching
  • Long-term digital preservation through Portico
  • Article-level indexing
  • Saved searches and usage reports
  • Support for digital humanities work

Digital humanities analysis, such as text and data mining, is possible. Contact the library so we can attain a copy of the collection for your needs.

UPDATE (December 2020): Collection bought by ProQuest and new titles have been added.

New in 2017-18: Scopus & SciVal

New in 2017-18: Oxford Handbooks Online - Law

Kelvin Smith Library acquired the Law Oxford Handbooks for 2015-2018.

New in 2017-18: Knowledge Unlatched 2017 Collections

A total of 343 new e-book titles were added in 2017.

Through participating in Knowledge Unlatched initiatives, KSL continues to support for the "open access" movement to make content discoverable and widely available for all researchers.

Bought in 2017-18: Financial Times Historical Archive (2011-2016)

Expands the interdisciplinary research opportunities in this newspaper with an additional 123,000 pages. 

By adding this supplement to your existing Financial Times Historical Archive collection, users are able to read and view more recent history as it happened.  From these unforgettable moments that the Financial Times has covered…

  • Osama Bin Laden, mastermind of the 9/11 attacks killed after ten years of pursuit by the United States and coalition forces
  • President Barack Obama’s significant victory for his second term in office as well as the passage of the Affordable Care Act
  • The creation of the Black Lives Matter movement and discussion of police brutality in poor, minority, and violent neighborhoods in the U.S.
  • The FIFA scandal with focus on the Qatar world cup award
  • Brexit
  • The Scottish independence campaign
  • The Fukushima meltdown
  • Morsi being ousted in Egypt
  • ISIS and Radical Islamic terrorist inspired attacks throughout the world
  • …to financial scandals, financial highs and lows, and global change, this supplement helps to paint a complete picture of world business, economic, social and political history. 

Bought in 2017-18: Elsevier Online Encyclopedias

New in 2017-18: SAGE Research Methods

SAGE Research Methods logo

SAGE Research Methods supports research at all levels by providing material to guide users through every step of the research process. Nearly everyone at a university is involved in research, from students learning how to conduct research to faculty conducting research for publication to librarians delivering research skills training and doing research on the efficacy of library services. SAGE Research Methods has the answer for each of these user groups, from a quick dictionary definition, a case study example from a researcher in the field, a downloadable teaching dataset, a full-text title from the Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences series, or a video tutorial showing research in action.

SAGE Research Methods is the ultimate methods library with more than 1000 books, reference works, journal articles, and instructional videos by world-leading academics from across the social sciences, including the largest collection of qualitative methods books available online from any scholarly publisher. The site is designed to guide users to the content they need to learn a little or a lot about their method. The Methods Map can help those less familiar with research methods to find the best technique to use in their research. Built upon SAGE’s legacy of methods publishing, SAGE Research Methods is the essential online tool for researchers.

Added 2017-18: PhilPapers

 PhilPapers logoPhilPapers is:

  • ...a comprehensive index of the research literature in philosophy. The index includes over 2 million research books and articles.
  • Open Access archive
  • ...a comprehensive structured bibliography of philosophy. PhilPapers' structured bibliography organizes half a million entries into over 5,000 topics at different levels of generality. Classification is maintained by a combination of automatic classification, crowd-sourcing, and curation work done by approximately 400 appointed academics.
  • ...a major content alerting service in philosophy. Each week, PhilPapers sends over 10,000 content alerts by email to subscribed users, providing them a summary of new papers on their topics of interest. PhilPapers also has more than 4,000 subscriptions to its RSS feeds.
  • online community of philosophers.  PhilPapers has over 250,000 registered users, including the majority of professional philosophers and graduate students.

Purchased in 2017-18: ACS E-Books

ACS Symposium Series are the high-quality, peer-reviewed eBooks developed from ACS technical division symposia. Each chapter is carefully authored by an expert in the field, and the collection of chapters is edited by an internationally recognized leader in the field. The series covers a broad range of topics, including agricultural and food chemistry, cellulose and renewable materials, chemical education, organic chemistry, polymer chemistry, materials, and many others.

Kelvin Smith Library bought the 2017-2020 title lists in e-book format.

Purchased 2017/18: APA e-books through OhioLINK

OhioLINK purchased the 2017-2020 APA e-book packages. All titles will be available on the APA PsycNET platform as they are published.

2017 Titles Include:



Release Date


Affirmative Counseling and Psychological Practice With Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Clients

August 2016


Conducting a Culturally Informed Neuropsychological Evaluation

August 2016


Mindfulness-Based Therapy for Insomnia

August 2016


Transcendent Mind

August 2016


The Young Eyewitness

August 2016


Handbook of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity in Counseling and Psychotherapy

September 2016


Innovative Investigations of Language in Autism Spectrum Disorder

October 2016


Trauma, Meaning, and Spirituality

October 2016


Research Methods in Language Acquisition

November 2016


Transforming Long-Term Care

November 2016


Entrenchment and the Psychology of Language Learning

December 2016


Ethical Practice in Geropsychology

December 2016


Integrated Behavioral Health in Primary Care, Second Edition

December 2016


Emotion-Focused Therapy for Generalized Anxiety

January 2017


Teaching LGBTQ Psychology

January 2017


Art and Science of Mindfulness, Second Edition

February 2017


Occupational Health Disparities

February 2017


The Psychology of Men and Masculinities

February 2017


A Practical Guide to Cultivating Therapeutic Presence

March 2017


The Psychology of Juries

March 2017


Frailty, Suffering, and Vice

April 2017


Helping Couples on the Brink of Divorce

April 2017


Mentalization-Based Treatment for Children

April 2017


How and Why Are Some Therapists Better Than Others

May 2017


Practical Ethics for Psychologists, Third Edition

May 2017


Toward a More Perfect Psychology

May 2017


Treating Infants and Young Children Impacted by Trauma

May 2017


Cultural Humility

June 2017


Feedback-Informed Treatment in Clinical Practice

June 2017


Narrative Processes in Emotion-Focused Therapy for Complex Trauma

June 2017


Violent Men, 25th Anniversary Edition

June 2017

New Journals Started in 2018

The Kelvin Smith Library added several new journals and collections in 2018, including:

Arts & Humanities

  • Almagest: International Journal for the History of Scientific Ideas
  • Classical Quarterly
  • Classical Review
  • European Journal of Politics & Gender
  • Gesture
  • Journal of Epigraphic Studies
  • Journal of Global History
  • LIT: Literature Interpretation Theory
  • PhilPapers
  • PS - Political Science
  • World Biographical Index Online
  • Visual Resources


Science & Engineering

  • ACS Applied Energy Materials
  • ACS Applied Nano Materials
  • Advanced Materials Interfaces
  • Earthquake Spectra
  • Green Materials
  • Journal of Applied Polymer Science Archive (1959-1995)
  • Journal of Polymer Science Archive (1946-1995)
  • Journal of the Royal Society Interface
  • MRS Bulletin
  • Philosophical Magazine Letters
  • Process Safety Progress
  • Soft Robotics
  • Structure & Infrastructure Engineering

Social Sciences

  • New Political Economy
  • OECD Health Statistics
  • Research Evaluation

New in 2017-18: Cleveland Plain Dealer Image Version

The Kelvin Smith Library upgraded the Plain Dealer (Cleveland) to the full image version.

  • Fully Searchable
  • Color  PDF, updated daily
  • Integrated with Historical
  • Includes web edition that has 35% more published content

Now, all versions of the Plain Dealer are searchable in a single interface.

New in 2017/18: New York Times (NYT) Full Digital Access

New York Times script logo

With a Kelvin Smith Library provided pass, you have full access to the extensive breaking news, world news, and multimedia of The New York Times without needing your own subscription. Enjoy full access to, and NYT mobile apps from any device.
Once activated from within the Case Western Reserve University's network, a pass can be used from any location until expiration documented upon enrollment confirmation (typically one year). 

See included link for full details.

New in 2017/18: Scientific American Archive (1845-2006)

The Scientific American archive was recently acknowledged as one of CHOICE’s “Outstanding Academic Titles” for 2012. Ranked amongst 11 resources within the science & technology discipline, the Scientific American archive has also been recognized as one of the top 10 websites reviewed by Choice in 2012.

New 2017/18: HistoryMakers Digital Archive

logo for HistoryMakers

Thank you to a partnership with the Office of Inclusion, Diversity & Equal Opportunity, KSL has added the HistoryMakers Digital Archive for at least one year. It is an extensive database of over 10,000 hours of full-text and video interviews with African-Americans distinguished in the fields of science, culture, politics, the arts, and public life. Over 146,472 stories are assembled here from life oral history interviews with 2,687 historically significant African Americans as of July 3, 2018. 

It is fully searchable with transcripts. Each day it highlights people born on that day. It has guided topic searching, filters to limit results, and major categories (education, science, civic, etc.).

Searching the collection, it brings back lots of relevant topics and people from CWRU, Cleveland, etc. Some examples are:

  • Cleveland: 2951 stories
  • Case Western: 231 stories
  • Flora Stone Mather: 6 stories
  • Hough: 43 stories
  • "Univesity Circle": 11 stories
  • Karamu House: 92 stories

ProQuest Primary Collections

The Kelvin Smith Library and The Judge Ben C. Green Law Library have partnered on an exciting 5-year pilot to make available online 75 unique collections of primary source materials. Content includes government documents, newspapers, videos, e-books, and a lot more. In this evidence-based model, usage data will drive the decision on what collections will be owned permanently at the end of the pilot.

APA PsycTests

A one-of-a-kind resource for measurement and instrumentation tools

Professionally indexed, the PsycTESTS® database is an extensive collection of items associated with psychological measures, scales, surveys, and other instruments essential to the research needs of professionals, students, and educators across the behavioral and social sciences.

Focused on a collection of instrumentation tools developed for research but not made commercially available, PsycTESTS helps researchers easily find scales and measures for their own use. PsycTESTS is an indispensable resource for researchers looking to conduct, create, or measure research in multiple fields of study.

Bought 2017/18: Women's Issues and Identities, Part of the Women's Studies Program

Much of history is one-sided, mainly focused on the male perspective; women's voices are not often heard. Women's Issues and Identities provides the opportunity to witness history from the female perspective. Offering coverage of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, Women's Issues and Identitiesallows for the serendipitous discovery of commonalities among a variety of archival collections.

Global in scope, the archive presents materials covering the social, political, and professional aspects of women's lives and offers a look at the roles, experiences, and achievements of women in society. A wide range of primary sources provide a close look at some of the pioneers of women's history, a deep dive into the issues that have affected women, and the many contributions they have made to society.

Women's Issues and Identities spans multiple geographic regions, providing a variety of perspectives on women's experiences and cultural impact. Within the archive can be found fascinating historical records from Europe, North and South America, Africa, India, East Asia, and the Pacific Rim with content in English, French, German, and Dutch.

Bought 2017/18: CQ Researcher

Logo for CQ Research - capital letters C and Q

A database of in-depth, authoritative reports on a full range of political and social-policy issues extending back to 1923. Each report is footnoted and includes an overview, background section, chronology, bibliography and debate-style pro-con feature, plus tools to study the evolution of the topic over time.

Content: 1923 - present (Updates through March 2024 included)

Added 2018/19: Dissertations & Theses Global Fulltext (ProQuest)

ProQuest Dissertations and Theses: Global (PQDTGlobal) is the world's most comprehensive collection of full-text dissertations and theses. As the official digital dissertations archive for the Library of Congress and as the database of record for graduate research, PQDTGlobal includes millions of searchable citations to dissertations and theses from 1861 to the present day together with over a million full-text dissertations that are available for download in PDF format. Over 2.1 million titles are available for purchase as printed copies. The database offers full text for most of the dissertations added since 1997 and strong retrospective full-text coverage for older graduate works.