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Collections @ Kelvin Smith Library

Guide provides an overview of new collections and resources acquired and/or subscribed to by the Kelvin Smith Library (KSL). It provides information on collection policies and initiatives.

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New in 2019: CWRU Student Newspaper Archive

Frontpage of The Reserve Weekly, Volume VII, Number 15, 18 January 1910In January 2019, the University Archives (Kelvin Smith Library) debuted the CWRU Student Newspaper Archive. This collection consists of digitized versions of nine student newspaper titles held in the Case Western Reserve University Archives, including Western Reserve Collegian, Western Reserve Souvenir, The Adelbert, The Case Tech, The Reserve Weekly, The Reserve Tribune, Cleveland College Life, The Mather Record, and The Observer.

New January 2019: OhioLINK Wiley Journals & E-book Deal

Starting, January 1, 2019, Case Western Reserve University will gain permanent access to ALL Wiley online journals from 2019-2023. In addition, content from 1997-2018 will be included for all new titles, and that access will exist as long as the OhioLINK deal continues. 

In addition, the Wiley e-book deal was extended for 5 more years.

New January 2019: Journal Subscriptions Added

Various new titles were added in January 2019 across many disciplines.

Arts & Humanities

  • Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education
  • Images : a journal of Jewish art and visual culture
  • Journal of the Alamire Foundation
  • Modern American History

Social Sciences

  • Ethnologue: Languages of the World
  • Journal of Cuneiform Studies
  • Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie

Science & Engineering

  • American Ceramic Society (ACeR) Bulletin Archive
  • Animal Welfare
  • Annual Reviews of Astronomy & Astrophysics
  • Biomicrofluidics
  • International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics
  • Rhetoric of Health and Medicine
  • Science Robotics

In addition, 4 new journal titles have been added from the American Chemical Society (ACS), which means we have access to ALL the ACS journals:

  • ACS Applied Bio Materials
  • ACS Applied Electronic Materials
  • ACS Applied Polymer Materials
  • ACS Pharmacology & Translational Science

New in 2019: JSTOR Arts & Sciences XII Collection

JSTOR Arts & Sciences XII Collection extends coverage in the social sciences, focusing on disciplines with high usage and broad appeal across all levels of higher education; education, law, and political science disciplines anchor the collection, and include journals from the American Bar Association, Brill, Lynn Reiner, and Springer.

The collection includes:

  • 131 Titles
  • 540,006 Articles
  • 2,897,626 Pages

The major subjects included are law, political science, education, sociology, criminology, social work, psychology, and Asian studies.

In 2018, CWRU had 912 turnaways which show demand for this content.

Added 2018-19: OhioLINK Negotiated Databases

As of July 1, 2018, all OhioLINK member libraries have access to an updated suite of resources thanks to the Libraries Connect Ohio (LCO) partnership among OhioLINK, OPLIN (Ohio Public Library Information Network), INFOhio (Ohio’s Pre-K-12 Digital Library), and the State Library of Ohio. Access will be available through June 2023.

New in 2019: African American Historical Newspapers - Series I & 2

African American Newspapers Banner and Logo

African American Newspapers, Series 1 and 2, 1827-1998, provides online access to more than 350 U.S. newspapers chronicling a century and a half of the African-American experience. This unique collection, which includes historically significant papers from more than 35 states, features many rare 19th-century titles. Newly digitized, these newspapers published by or for African Americans can now be browsed and searched as never before.

New in 2019: Oxford Bibliographies: Music

Oxford Bibliographies Music logo

The study of music, “musicology,” is a relatively new discipline in academe, beginning in late nineteenth-century Germany. In the second half of the twentieth century, “ethnomusicology” became a viable academic discipline spawning a scholarly literature for the study of all musics not treated by traditional (“historical”) musicology. Oxford Bibliographies in Music takes a pragmatic approach, based on the past and emerging literature about music: if authors have found something they define as music worthy of serious study, it is music.

Oxford Bibliographies in Music combines the best features of a high-level encyclopedia and a traditional bibliography in a style tailored to meet the needs of today’s online researchers. Each article, written and reviewed by top scholars in the field, is rich with citations and annotations, expert recommendations, and narrative pathways to the most important works for virtually all areas of music.

New in 2019: RIPM Jazz Periodicals

RIPM Jazz Periodicals logo

An essential, unique collection of American Jazz Periodicals, of great importance to any lover of jazz and its history, and a primary source reference and research tool for all libraries. RIPM just released this collection in Spring 2019, and it currently includes over 100 searchable full-text American jazz journals.

World News Connection Archive

World News Connection logo

A powerful online service bringing news from around the world, translated into English. The information is obtained from newspaper articles, television and radio broadcasts, online sources, conference proceedings, periodicals, and non-classified reports. This information is collected and translated by and for the U.S. Government.

New in 2019: Adam Matthew Collections

Adam Matthew Logo

Jewish Life in America banner 

Jewish Life in America will enable you to explore the history of Jewish communities in America from the arrival of the first Jews in the 17th century right through to the mid-20th century. This rich collection brings to life the communal and social aspects of Jewish identity and culture, whilst tracing Jewish involvement in the political life of American society as a whole.


screenshot of the Medical Services and Warfare databaseMedical Service and Warfare

Explore multiple perspectives on the history of injury, treatment and disease on the front line. Chart scientific advances through hospital records, medical reports and first-hand accounts, and discover the evidence of how war shaped medical practice across the centuries.




Popular Medicine in America database banner

Welcome to Popular Medicine in America, 1800-1900

This unique collection showcases the development of 'popular' medicine in America during the nineteenth century, through an extensive range of material that was aimed at the general public rather than medical professionals. Explore an array of printed sources, including rare books, pamphlets, trade cards, and visually-rich advertising ephemera.




Service Newspaper of WW2 database screenshotService Newspaper of World War Two

This digital resource reveals the story of war as told by the newspapers that brought information, entertainment and camaraderie to the forces at home and overseas. Explore over 300 titles from key nations across the globe that took part in the world-changing conflict.










Trade Catalogues and the American Home database screenshot

Trade Catalogues and the American Home

Explore domestic consumerism, life and leisure in America between 1850-1950 with Trade Catalogues and the American Home. This resource presents a wealth of highly illustrated primary source documents that highlight commercial tastes and consumer trends, and provide a valuable visual record for a breadth of interdisciplinary study.