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Collections @ Kelvin Smith Library

Guide provides an overview of new collections and resources acquired and/or subscribed to by the Kelvin Smith Library (KSL). It provides information on collection policies and initiatives.

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  • Library resources require going through CWRU Single Sign-On.
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Cambridge Journals (2022-2024)

OhioLINK is embarking upon an agreement with Cambridge University Press with two major benefits for students and faculty at institutions of higher education in Ohio.  This deal provides expanded access to important published research from Cambridge University Press and is the first such “Read & Publish” deal with an open access publishing component for OhioLINK. 

Starting January 1, 2022, students, faculty, and staff at most OhioLINK member institutions will have access to current articles published in all 400+ journals published by Cambridge University Press. An important new component of this agreement is the ability for authors at OhioLINK member institutions to publish open access (OA) journal articles at Cambridge University Press-published journals at no additional charge to either the author or the institution.

Journals Added

Astronomy magazine cover from April 2013Astronomy offers you the most exciting visually stunning thorough, and timely coverage of the heavens above.  Each monthly issue includes expert science reporting, vivid color photography, complete sky-event coverage, spot-on observing tips, informative telescope reviews, and more. Content, which addresses both the science and hobby of astronomy, includes a mix of columns about sky viewing, reader-submitted astrophotography, and articles about astronomy and astrophysics.

Each monthly issue of Astronomy is divided into two sections. The first half contains reports about professional science, including topics like cosmology, space exploration, and research conducted by professional-class observatories and individual professional astronomers. The second half of the magazine is dedicated to items of interest to hobbyists, such as sky events, observing techniques, astrophotography, and amateur astronomy in general.

Knowledge Unlatched

The Kelvin Smith Library continued sponsoring the efforts of Knowledge Unlatched (KU). KU makes scholarly content freely available to everyone and contributes to the further development of the open access (OA) infrastructure.

HAU Books (2023-25)

HAU Books is the book publishing wing of the Society for Ethnographic Theory (SET), a learned society. SET is a non-profit initiative, committed to publishing the most distinguished texts in classics and advanced anthropological theory. HAU Books is supported by some of the world’s most distinguished anthropology departments and research institutions through the HAU-N.E.T. community.  The aim is to ensure that anthropologists‘ precious ethnographic findings can return to the communities studied by the scientists in a free and shareable form.

Berghahn Migration and Development Studies (2021-23)

Frontlist publications covering the topics of international migration and movement as well as the social implications of economic and environmental change on communities. Includes titles from the Forced Migration series as well as Integration and Conflict Studies and the Environmental Anthropology and Ethnobiology series among others. Features Berghahn Books’ most action-oriented anthropology portfolio aimed at achieving the widest impact that its research insights make possible.

KU Focus Collection 2023: Global Health

Features cutting-edge books from publishers such as the University of London Press, AOSIS, Taylor & Francis, and others. A special collection containing 20 front-list (unlatching in 2023) books from several publishers around one single topical, cutting-edge theme chosen by librarians. 

KU Select 2023: Politics & International Studies

Includes books from the University of Michigan Press, Ledizioni Publishing, Manchester University Press, and others. Titles curated by the KU Selection Committee consisting of librarians from all over the world.

New Oxford Shakespeare Online

New Oxford Shakespeare Online database title in banner


Understand Shakespeare’s works like you never have before! The New Oxford Shakespeare Online resource consists of three cross-referenced editions for various levels of study.

  • Read original texts side-by-side with modern spelling and punctuation.
  • Access timelines and illustrations of each play.
  • Gain insight into press variants, corrections, and book history.
  • Examine the context in which each play was written.
  • See the ideas, evidence, and methods underlying this resource.