Kelvin Smith Library
Most of the databases, journals, and ebooks included in this guide arelicensed by the Case libraries and are available to Case users when you are authenticated on the Case network. VPN information is available on the left menu of this guide.
Quick links on the left will direct you to resources, and other resources are also helpful from the general Management Research Database List.
Private company financial intelligence – business & financial data and analysis, plus IPO news & updates on venture capital, M&A activity, and private equity deals, company competitors & comparables. Since 90% of major U.S. business is privately held, PrivCo saves you time in class assignments and in your career planning, as well as in getting a closer look at industries with sectors, industry, sub-industry codes that lead to other competitors.
PrivCo's financial analysis, venture capital funding, reviews, market research, and more can be the difference in the depth of your discovery and your final project results. Search names, deals, industry, geography, funding opportunities & stages–which might help you determine where to consider career opportunities!
NOTE: Create a personal account on PrivCo, using your Case network credentials.
Features: Check out PrivCo's Knowledge Bank to better understand the private investor environment, and their Research Blog for news!