Bioethics and the Future of Stem Cell Research by Insoo HyunISBN: 9780521768696
Publication Date: 2013-06-24
Despite years of heated social controversy over the use of human embryos in embryonic stem cell research, the caravan of stem cell science continues to proceed at an unrelenting pace all around the world. Bioethics and the Future of Stem Cell Research urges readers to look beyond the embryo debate to a much wider array of ethical issues in basic stem cell science and clinical translational research, including research involving adult and induced pluripotent stem cells. Insoo Hyun offers valuable insights into complex ethical issues ranging from pre-clinical animal studies to clinical trials and stem cell tourism, all presented through a unique blend of philosophy, literature and the history of science, as well as with Dr Hyun's extensive practical experiences in international stem cell policy formation. This thoughtful book is an indispensable resource for anyone interested in the science of stem cells and the practical and philosophical elements of research ethics.