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Department of Cognitive Science Faculty Publicaitons
Rhetorical Minds by Todd Oakley
As a meditation on the nature of human thought and action, this book starts with the proposition that human thinking is inherently and irreducibly social and that the long rhetorical tradition in the West has been a neglected source for thinking about cognition.
ISBN: 1789206693
Publication Date: 2020
Elements of Surprise by Vera Tobin
Reading classic and popular literature alongside the latest research in cognitive science, Vera Tobin shows that a good surprise works by taking advantage of cognitive biases, mental shortcuts, and quirks of memory.
ISBN: 9780674919570
Publication Date: 2018
Elements of Bending by Mark Turner
Based on a series of presentations given by Mark Turner at the University of Manouba, in November 2010 about the origins of blending theory and its development
Publication Date: 2011
Clear and Simple As the Truth by Francis-Noël Thomas; Mark Turner; Francis-Noël Thomas
The book argues that writing is an active intellectual pursuit and that classic style—characterized by clarity, simplicity, and a direct approach to truth—is effective across all forms of communication. It challenges the notion that adherence to grammatical rules alone can produce effective prose, instead advocating for an understanding of different styles and standards.
ISBN: 9780691147437
Publication Date: 2011
Ten Lectures on Mind and Language by Mark Turner
Lectures delivered by Mark Turner in May 2009, when he was the forum speaker for the Seventh China International Forum on Cognitive Linguistics. They were originally published as a book in the Eminent Linguists Lecture Series.
ISBN: 9787513502856
Publication Date: 2010
From Attention to Meaning by Todd Oakley
Attention is fundamental to all cognitive tasks, influencing perception, memory, and learning. The author presents a model of the attention system with three sub-systems—signal, selection, and interpersonal—and eight elements: altering, orienting, detecting, sustaining, controlling, sharing, harmonizing, and directing. This model is explored within the context of mental spaces theory, examining its impact on semiotics, linguistics, and rhetoric.
ISBN: 9783039114429
Publication Date: 2009
Mental Spaces in Discourse and Interaction by Todd Oakley (Editor); Anders Hougaard (Editor)
Including seven chapters and three commentaries that seek to assess and refine the cognitive theory of mental spaces and conceptual integration (MSCI), focusing on its use in understanding meaning construction in communication. It emphasizes the need for empirical validation and methodological clarity to support MSC I's growth
ISBN: 9789027254146
Publication Date: 2008
The Artful Mind by Mark Turner (Editor)
A Getty-funded research project aims to shed light on this intriguing human singularity by examining the relationship between art, the mind, and the brain1
ISBN: 0195306368
Publication Date: 2006
The Shakespearean International Yearbook by Graham Bradshaw; Tom Bishop; Mark Turner
Introduces a new section titled ‘Shakespeare in the Age of Cognitive Science,’ guest-edited by Mark Turner. This volume continues the tradition of surveying significant developments in Shakespeare studies, featuring contributions from a global array of scholars. The essays evaluate current and evolving perspectives on topics like skepticism, ethnicity, and performance, reflecting on the state of Shakespeare's research today
ISBN: 9780754640066
Publication Date: 2004
The Way We Think by Gilles Fauconnier; Mark Turner
Gilles Fauconnier and Mark Turner argue that all learning and all thinking consist of blends of metaphors based on simple bodily experiences. These blends are then themselves blended together into an increasingly rich structure that makes up our mental functioning in modern society.
ISBN: 0465087868
Publication Date: 2003
A Mind So Rare by Merlin Donald
Merlin Donald offers a compelling argument for consciousness being the central player in the drama of the mind and proposes that the human mind is a hybrid product, interweaving a super-complex form of matter (the brain) with an invisible symbolic web (culture) to form a "distributed" cognitive network.
ISBN: 0393323196
Publication Date: 2002