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Department of Classics Faculty Publications
The Ancient Greek Roots of Human Rights by Rachel Hall Sternberg
"The Ancient Greek Roots of Human Rights" by Rachel Hall Sternberg a finalist for the 2022 PROSE Award in Classics, explores the development of European humane discourse, tracing its origins back to Classical Athens. Sternberg suggests that the ancient Greeks articulated emotions that are precursors to modern human rights, despite their own societal shortcomings.
ISBN: 1477322914
Publication Date: 2021
Greek and Latin Poetry by Peter Knox
This volume includes all of Poliziano’s Greek and Latin poetry, excluding the Silvae, translated into English for the first time.
ISBN: 0674984579
Publication Date: 2019
Thucydides and Herodotus by Edith Foster (Editor); Donald Lateiner (Editor)
This collection reevaluates the significant relationship between Thucydides and Herodotus, ancient Greek historians foundational to historiography. It includes an introduction and twelve papers by experts, exploring their connections, common themes, and the influence of Homer on their work.
ISBN: 9780199593262
Publication Date: 2012
A Companion to Ovid by Peter E. Knox (Editor)
Offers an extensive overview of the classical poet Ovid’s work, featuring over 30 chapters by specialized scholars. It covers aspects like production, genre, and style, and includes interpretive essays on significant poems and collections.
ISBN: 9781118451342
Publication Date: 2012
Women in the Ancient World by Jenifer Neils
Reexamines the portrayal of women in the ancient world. Bursting with illustrations, it features striking images of sculptures, wall paintings, ceramics, mummy cases, engravings, silver, and jewels—spanning from public art to domestic artifacts. Across various ancient cultures, the book unveils the multifaceted roles and activities of women.
ISBN: 0714150770
Publication Date: 2011
Thucydides, Pericles, and Periclean Imperialism by Edith Foster
Edith Foster’s work contrasts Thucydides’ critical view of warfare in his “History” with Pericles’ glorification of it. Thucydides shows that aggression often backfires, while Pericles, inaccurately, praises war’s efficacy and honor. Foster emphasizes that Thucydides’ accounts should not be conflated with Pericles’ imperialistic stance.
ISBN: 9780521192668
Publication Date: 2010
Oxford Readings in Ovid by Peter E. Knox
Peter Knox surveys Ovidian scholarship and locates the assembled papers within recent critical trends. Taken together, the articles in this collection offer an entrée into the current critical discourse on Ovid, who is at once one of the most accessible authors of classical antiquity and one of the least understood.
ISBN: 9780199281152
Publication Date: 2007
Tragedy Offstage by Rachel Hall Sternberg
Investigates the Athenians’ commitment to humane ideals beyond their portrayal in tragic plays. It examines how these ideals translated into actions during adversity, focusing on home nursing, ransom, crime intervention, soldier transport, and slave torture.
ISBN: 0292714165
Publication Date: 2006
Pity and Power in Ancient Athens by Rachel Hall Sternberg (Editor)
The ten essays collectively examine the role of pity in the literature, art, and society of classical Athens by analyzing evidence from tragedy, philosophy, historiography, epic, oratory, vase painting, sculpture, and medical writings.
ISBN: 0521845521
Publication Date: 2005
The Italian Renaissance Palace Facade by Charles Burroughs
Charles Burroughs traces the emergence of facades in late medieval Florence and observes how Renaissance architects responded divergently to new demands for representation in residential and governmental contexts.
ISBN: 052162438X
Publication Date: 2002
Ovids 'Epistulae ex Ponto' by Martin Helzle
Genahrt von der "Ovidindustrie" der letzten Jahrzehnte, erfahren die Epistulae ex Ponto auch eine gewisse Renaissance, wodurch die literarischen Qualitaten der Sammlung neu entdeckt werden. Dabei stellt sich heraus, dass Ovids Gedichte aus der Verbannung gar nicht so monoton sind, wie ursprunglich angenommen. In die neue Situation der Verbannung werden alte Themen der Liebeselegie aufgenommen und verarbeitet. Der bekannte ovidische Esprit fehlt bei genauerem Hinsehen keineswegs und auch andere "Defekte" fuhren die Entwicklung von Ovids bedeutendster Schaffensperiode fort. Kurzum, dieser Kommentar erschliesst die Exildichtung weniger als Wetteralmanach der Schwarzmeerkuste denn als die erste, dichterisch geformte und stilisierte Erfahrung des Exils.
ISBN: 3825314294
Publication Date: 2002