Cases on Green Energy and Sustainable Development by Peter YangA critical research book emphasizes the crucial role of renewable energy and energy efficiency in energy transition and sustainable development. Covering topics such as economics, energy storage, and transportation technologies, this book is valuable for environmentalists, researchers, policymakers, and students seeking to address sustainability challenges and promote a greener future
ISBN: 9781522585596
Publication Date: 2019
Capital Culture: Perspectives in Ethnic Studies II by Cheryl TomanHuman capital, political, economic, disaster, in a word, Capital Culture! These are the facets of this volume which brings together eleven transdisciplinary researchers from four countries for a lively conversation in French and English. The result is an interdisciplinary dialogue between Asian-American literature, French-speaking studies, English-speaking African literature, African studies, Caribbean studies, cultural studies, and ethnic studies.
Connectionism and Second Language Acquisition by Yasuhiro ShiraiThe latest title in the Cognitive Science and Second Language Acquisition series presents a comprehensive review of connectionist research in second language acquisition (SLA). Second language researchers and the cognitive science community will find accessible discussions of the relevance of connectionist research to SLA.
Anne: An Imagining of the Life of Anne Frank by Marjorie Agosin (Author); Francisca Yanez (Illustrator); Jacqueline Nanfito (Translator)In her quest to introduce more young people to this tragic tale of the irrepressible Anne, the author provides a lyrical and engaging imagining of Anne's world. Through Anne's eyes, the reader is taken on the family's journey: their flight from Hitler's Germany, the excitement of a new start in Amsterdam, and their eventual confinement in a small set of hidden rooms where they lived in fear of discovery, transportation, and likely death.
Reconfiguring Class, Gender, Ethnicity and Ethics on the Internet in China by Haomin Gong; Xin YangThis book investigates the ways in which class, gender, ethnicity and ethics are reconfigured, complicated and enriched by the closely intertwined online and offline realities in China. It combs through a wide range of theories on Internet culture, intellectual history, and literary, film, and cultural studies, and explores a variety of online cultural materials, including digitized spoofing, microblog fictions, micro films, online fictions, web dramas, photographs, flash mobs, popular literature, and films.
Women Writers of Gabon: Literature and Herstory by Cheryl TomanSheds light on the invisibility of women historically, politically, and cross-culturally. This omission has led to the exclusion of Gabonese literature from the African canon. However, the book delves into the unique aspects of Gabonese women’s writing, demonstrating its critical significance and positioning Gabonese women writers as a major force in African literature.
ISBN: 1498537200
Publication Date: 2016
Afropean by Alice Endamne; Cheryl TomanFew works of literature capture the day-to-day life of a black family in France quite like Alice Endamne's Afropean. Published originally in French Endamne's first novel opens with the start of the school year in fall 1989 and culminates with the end of the summer in 1990. The reader follows the life of its teen protagonist, Laetitia Obame, and those of her friends, family, teachers, and acquaintances, with particular attention paid to her skinhead-turned-boyfriend, Stéphane Pellerin.
Modern German Plays by Peter YangUses some of the most famous modern plays written in German as vehicles to teach German language, literature, and culture.
The Fury and Cries of Women by Angèle Rawiri; Sara Hanaburgh (Translator); Cheryl Toman (Afterword by)Angèle Rawiri, Gabon’s first female novelist, delves into issues previously explored by writers like Mariama Bâ and Aminata Sow Fall. Her third novel, Emilienne, stands as the richest of her fictional prose. The gripping narrative follows modern woman Emilienne, who challenges traditional norms and seeks emancipation. Her journey intersects with cultural expectations related to motherhood, marriage, polygamy, divorce, and passion.
ISBN: 9780813936024
Publication Date: 2014
La Cicatrice by Gilbert DohoRecounts the history of the French 'Punitive Expedition' in the Bamileke and the 'Pacification' of the Bassa land.
Good Films, Cheap Wine, Few Friends by Juan Luis Bunuel; Linda C. Ehrlich (Editor)Juan Luis Buñuel's memoirs provide an intimate glimpse into the life of a vibrant man who moved in influential circles during the twentieth century. Originally penned for his children, these memoirs are now generously shared with the public, complete with an introduction and a rich selection of illustrations and annotations curated by Linda C. Ehrlich.
ISBN: 9780985878641
Publication Date: 2014
Cinematic Reveries by Linda C. EhrlichA collection of 29 prose poems that serve as unique gateways to films, focusing on gestures, stillness, and water imagery. The writings are exploratory and elegiac, offering new perspectives on film criticism. They highlight the significance of water, a range of gestures, and moments of stillness across films from various regions. Inspired by Raúl Ruíz's sentiment, they pay homage to films that resonate deeply.
Defying the Global Language by Cheryl Toman (Editor)Engages in a conversation initiated by renowned intellectuals and writers worldwide, transcending cultural boundaries. It delves into the reclamation of languages that were once considered colonial or vehicular. The essays draw upon significant works of written and oral literature, theater, and media. Within the field of ethnic studies, the book presents essential theories, incorporating perspectives from linguistic and literary theory, as well as feminist and disability theories.
ISBN: 1934844845
Publication Date: 2013
Le chien noir: La confession publique au Cameroun by Gilbert Doho"Ce roman historique remet au goût du jour le débat sur le quasi-génocide perpétré en pays bamiléké au lendemain de l'indépendance de 1960. Véritable piège grossier, la "Confession" fut la voie pensée du crime politique étendu à toute une région, à tout un groupe ethnique."
ISBN: 9782343005997
Publication Date: 2013
Uneven Modernity by Haomin GongHaomin Gong’s study, Uneven Modernity, explores the paradoxes of postsocialist China—economic growth alongside political conservatism and cultural diversity. Gong interprets these paradoxes as both challenges and opportunities that shape cultural production.
La nieve es nuestra by Cristián Gómez OlivaresLuces de Gálibo insiste con un nuevo libro de este poeta chileno afincado en EEUU. La mejor poesía en castellano es la que nos llega desde el otro lado del Atlántico.
These Hands by Per Aage Brandt; Thom SatterleeTranslated from the Danish by Thom Satterlee THESE HANDS is an extraordinary bilingual poetry collection from renowned Danish poet Per Aage Brandt.
Homenaje a Chester Kallman by Cristian Gomez OlivaresTodos nuestros libros los importamos a pedido. Cuando usted compra, realizamos el pedido a la editorial en el exterior y lo importamos. Una vez recibido en nuestro depósito lo enviamos a su domicilio.
ISBN: 9788493730253
Publication Date: 2010
Space Oddities by Marie LathersExamines the representation of women in outer space films from 1960 to 2000, with an emphasis on films in which women are either denied or given the role of astronaut. By applying insights from contemporary gender, race, and species theories to popular imaginings of women in space, the status of the Space Race as a cultural construct that reproduces and/or warps terrestrial gender structures is revealed.
ISBN: 9781441190499
Publication Date: 2010
Constructs of Desire by Brigitte Kronauer; Jutta Ittner (Editor)This collection of excerpts and stories from German author Brigitte Kronauer provides an introduction to her work for the English-speaking world. Although highly regarded in her native land, she has remained virtually unknown outside its boundaries.
Desintegración y Justicia en el Cine Argentino Contemporáneo by Gabriela CopertariEste libro analiza, en una serie de películas argentinas contemporáneas (Buenos Aires viceversa, 76 89 03, Nueve reinas, El hijo de la novia, Herencia y El juego de la silla), las interpretaciones y representaciones de la experiencia social de pérdida y desintegración nacional producida por la implementación de la globalización neoliberal en los años noventa en Argentina.
ISBN: 9781855661875
Publication Date: 2009
Défis de la métaphore en traduction [texte imprimé] : le cas d'un roman inclassable, "Un spasme de vacuité", par Jean-Marie Damais by Fabienne Pizot-HaymorePar nature, certains textes dits "pragmatiques" sont dénués de cet artifice de la pensée. Dans cet ouvrage, nous nous intéressons à la place de la métaphore dans la traduction littéraire, ce qui, en outre, n'exclut pas des considérations commerciales : en tant que produit fini, une traduction littéraire n'existe que si le style employé correspond aux attentes dans la langue cible d'un public choisi. Il s'agit donc d'une transposition culturelle si bien réussie que le lecteur peut croire le texte écrit dans sa langue maternelle.
Signos bajo la piel = Marks Beneath the Skin by Pia Barrios, Jacqueline Nanfito"Partiendo de la premisa que la autora de Signos bajo la piel busca reinventar el lenguaje del cuerpo erotizado, al elaborarlo desde una perspectiva postfeminista, este trabajo explora la representación del deseo en los cuentos de Pía Barros. Haciendo uso de las teorías del cuerpo de Hélene Cixous y de Luce Irigaray, el ensayo examina los distintos modos en que estos cuentos encaran la necesidad de re-concebir y re-escribir, desde la diferencia genérica, la experiencia erótica de un grupo heterogéneo de mujeres."
ISBN: 9789567281466
Publication Date: 2008
The Cinema of Victor Erice by Linda C. EhrlichThe collection “The Cinema of Victor Erice: An Open Window” coincides with the DVD release of “The Spirit of the Beehive” and offers a comprehensive look at Victor Erice’s cinematic work. This edition, which includes new essays and translations, delves into Erice’s influential films such as “The Spirit of the Beehive,” “El Sur,” and “Dream of Light,” as well as his recent work “La morte rouge.” It features contributions from film scholars and Erice himself, providing insights into his films’ aesthetics, historical context, and societal impact, reflecting on Spanish society and global cinema.
Proust's Deadline by Christine M. CanoMarcel Proust’s multivolume masterpiece, À la recherche du temps perdu, began to appear in 1913. Over the next fifty years, it gained a reputation as one of the greatest literary works of the twentieth century. But the novel’s classic image as a completed work was later shattered by the discovery of unpublished drafts, and the “war of the Prousts” has kept scholars arguing over its definitive form ever since.
ISBN: 0252030702
Publication Date: 2006
Como un "ciego en una habitación" a oscuras by Cristian Gomez OlivaresCon este libro, el poeta chileno Cristian Gómez Olivares recoge y condensa las marcas de estilo de sus libros anteriores -señala Oscar Torres Duque-, en un dialogo intenso consigo mismo que sin embargo es un dialogo, Conversaciones, sería su obsesiva versión en este poemario, un pertinaz hablar en prosa, aunque se insista una y otra vez : Esto no es un poema en prosa sino
Spaces, Domains, and Meaning by Per Aage BrandtThe essays of this book develop a semiotic elaboration of the theory of mental spaces, a grounding hypothesis of semantic domains, and the methodologically necessary idea of a mental architecture corresponding to the neural organization of our brain, and compatible with the basic facts of human phenomenology.
Trauma and Guilt by Susanne Vees-GulaniDieses Buch analysiert Werke der Nachkriegsliteratur, die Flächenbombardements deutscher Städte behandeln, im Kontext der Traumatheorie und der Schuldfrage im Hinblick auf Deutschlands Nazi-Vergangenheit.
Women/ Gabriela Mistral by Gabriela Mistral (Editor); Marjorie Agosín (Editor); Jacqueline Nanfito (Editor); Isabel Allende (Editor)Gabriela Mistral (1889–1957), the sole Latin American woman to be honored with a Nobel Prize, spent her twilight years in the United States, leaving behind a legacy of profound literary contributions. Mistral enriches the factual essay with personal and heartfelt touches, carving out a new domain for female intellectuals in society. Her essays celebrate figures ranging from her cherished mother to famed literary figures like Victoria Ocampo and Emily Brontë, as well as artists including Chilean sculptor Laura Rodig and iconic dancer Isadora Duncan, delving into themes of feminism, women’s roles in politics, and female education.
ISBN: 1893996093
Publication Date: 2001
Play Is Play: Theatrical Illusion In Chinese Wall By Frisch And Other "Epic" Plays By Brecht, Wilder, Hazelton, And Li by Peter YangAlthough traditional comparative literary research has always placed 'epic' plays of Brecht, Fisch, Wilder, Hazelton, and Li in the category of the same name, the label 'epic' actually minimizes the nature of these plays and the ways in which they have influenced modern world theatre. The 'epic' plays of these playwrights are not strictly 'epic,' but also theatrical. Because these plays have consciously involved spectators, they have created a double illusion, enhancing the original illusion rather than destroying it.
ISBN: 0761818073
Publication Date: 2000
El Sueno: Cartographies of Knowledge and the Self by Jacqueline C. NanfitoA seminal work of the Hispanic Baroque this is a pioneering Latin American feminist text. The study uniquely examines the text's poetic spatial conception, revealing how Sor Juana constructs a verbal labyrinth that mirrors the complexities of seventeenth-century colonial Mexico.
ISBN: 0820444197
Publication Date: 2000
The Acquisition of Lexical and Grammatical Aspect by Ping Li; Yasuhiro ShiraiSecond language learning, particularly among adults, causes more difficulty. This series is a collection of high-quality monographs on language acquisition. The series serves the needs of everyone who wants to know more about the problem of language acquisition in general and/or about language acquisition in specific contexts.