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Department of Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, and Statistics Faculty Publications
Geometry and Martingales in Banach Spaces by Wojbor A. Woyczynski
Geometry and Martingales in Banach Spaces provides a compact exposition of the results explaining the interrelations between the metric geometry of Banach spaces, the theory of martingales, and general random vectors with values in those Banach spaces.
ISBN: 9781138616370
Publication Date: 2018
Linear Algebra by Elizabeth S. Meckes; Mark W. Meckes
Offers a unified treatment of matrix-oriented and theoretical approaches to the course, which will be useful for classes with a mix of mathematics, physics, engineering, and computer science students. Major topics include singular value decomposition, the spectral theorem, linear systems of equations, vector spaces, linear maps, matrices, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, linear independence, bases, coordinates, dimension, matrix factorizations, inner products, norms, and determinants.
ISBN: 9781107177901
Publication Date: 2018
Alice and Bob Meet Banach: The Interface of Asymptotic Geometric Analysis and Quantum Information Theory by Guillaume Aubrun; Stanislaw J. Szarek
The endeavor to construct a quantum computer stands as a pivotal scientific and technological pursuit of our era. Quantum Information Theory (QIT) lays the mathematical groundwork for this venture. Recent years have revealed a profound connection between QIT and Geometric Functional Analysis, particularly Asymptotic Geometric Analysis (AGA). AGA focuses on the quantitative aspects of convex shapes and their symmetries in high dimensions, which aligns closely with quantum theory where even small particle systems can span vast dimensional spaces.
ISBN: 9781470434687
Publication Date: 2017
Math on File: Calculus by J. Alexander
An essential classroom resource designed to supplement the study of calculus a core area of the advanced mathematics curriculum.
ISBN: 0816048576
Publication Date: 2004
Math on File: Geometry by J. Alexander
A classroom resource designed to supplement the study of geometry - a core area of the high school mathematics curriculum. The problem sets cover core, remedial, and enriched material so that all levels of students can find appropriately challenging and rewarding topics to work with as they gain functional, mathematical literacy.
ISBN: 0816048568
Publication Date: 2003
Math on File: Algebra by James Alexander
An invaluable resource to supplement classroom instruction in a core area of the mathematics curriculum. The volume provides approximately 50 engaging problem sets, ranging from simple to challenging, that are appropriate for group work in-class or individual out-of-class assignments.
ISBN: 0816046328
Publication Date: 2002
Toposes, Triples, and Theories by M. Barr; C. H. Wells
This book introduces three key concepts and their connections. A topos is a type of generalized set theory, while the concept of triple initially emerged as "standard constructions" in Godement's book on sheaf theory for computing sheaf cohomology. Later, Peter Huber discovered that triples contain much of the information of adjoint pairs. Linton also discovered that triples offer an equivalent approach to Lawvere's theory of equational theories, or rather, the infinite generalizations of that theory.
ISBN: 0387961151
Publication Date: 1984